Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
After the state registration of the organization with the authorized tax inspectorate, its head (since often there is only one in the state) should develop and issue a number of personnel documents necessary for the normal internal functioning of the company, as well as for its interaction with other individuals (legal entities), state bodies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In judicial practice, there are often cases in the course of which it is necessary to prove the existence of an employment relationship. The fact of work in such cases can significantly change the essence of the process and, accordingly, the decision made
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Today, organizations very often hire students. As a rule, such an employee does not need to pay much, and the student, in turn, needs to undergo an internship, without which they simply will not be allowed to take state exams. Personnel workers encounter some difficulties when arranging a trainee, because this situation is not spelled out in the Labor Code at all
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In the modern world, oddly enough, it is very important to have a good reputation. A bad background can prevent you from making a career, successfully getting married, etc. This is what makes people watch their behavior. Unfortunately, none of us is immune from libel
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In 2011 and 2012, you can choose one of two procedures for calculating maternity benefits. There is an "old" and "new" order - which one is more profitable for the expectant mother, she chooses herself. Necessary calculator, information on wages (2-NDFL certificate or pay slips for each month) Instructions Step 1 Calculate the estimated due date
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
According to article No. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, while on vacation, you can get a sick leave, which will be paid in accordance with the general rules if an employee is sick. If his family members are sick, for whom care or a child is required, then the sick leave is not payable and the vacation days are not extended
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Maintaining special documentation is an integral part of the personnel department of an enterprise. At the same time, a personal file is mandatory for each employee. In the future, personal files are archived in special folders. Necessary - personal documents of the employee
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The article will be useful to expectant mothers in the matter of going on maternity leave. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the article describes the specific actions of a pregnant woman to provide her with maternity leave
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
You can make an insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the help of an employer when you first start working. If you have no plans to enter into an employment relationship, you can draw up this document yourself by contacting the Pension Fund office at your place of residence, stay or actual residence
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When an employee reaches the retirement age established by law, he has the right to quit and go on a well-deserved rest, but he can also apply for a pension by staying to work. In both cases, he will have to prepare documents for submission to the Pension Fund
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Staff turnover, that is, an unstable workforce, negatively affects the work of any enterprise. This is an indicator that a part of the staff works on it, which is constantly in the learning process, the team is not completely formed. Lack of stability in the team is always a factor that reduces production performance and work efficiency
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In the course of work, situations arise when a new person is included in the founders, that is, the person who bought the shares of the company becomes one of its owners. According to the Labor Code, all labor relations must be formalized in the form of an employment contract
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Women living and working in Russia are entitled to maternity leave. In this case, the vacation must be paid by the employer. In some cases, funds can be transferred to the expectant mother directly from the Social Security Fund. Eligibility for maternity In accordance with the current Russian legislation, a woman has the right to receive maternity benefits, who should be granted maternity leave at her place of work
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Despite the fact that since January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory for use, in practice they continue to be actively used. At the same time, the unified form No
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Issuing a work permit in the Russian Federation for foreigners who do not need a visa to enter Russia became much easier in 2007. Now, after entering the country, they can themselves apply to the FMS authorities with a set of necessary papers and, after 10 days, receive the required document
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Modern business cannot be imagined without contractual relationships. But in the process of doing business, sometimes it becomes necessary to terminate previously concluded contracts, including work contracts. Termination of contracts must be carried out within the framework of the law
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The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for such a guarantee of the employee's rights as the payment of monetary compensation for unused days of the main or additional vacation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that compensation for unused vacation days and replacing part of the vacation with a cash payment are different concepts
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Many people want to continue working as they reach retirement age. You can't live on one pension, and you want to help children too … Some pensioners simply do not want to stay at home, because work is the key to their active life. Meanwhile, not all employers are "
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In the event that your contractor under the contract is an organization, and the contract must be terminated, you must carefully read this contract. Often, it itself stipulates the conditions and procedure for its termination. It is necessary to strictly adhere to this procedure, as well as other procedures prescribed in the contract
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Modern labor legislation defines harmful working conditions as those types of employment that affect the employee and his health. This can be the work process itself, the work environment or the place of work. Moreover, the same legislation also provides for the occurrence of various occupational diseases
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A fixed-term employment contract is concluded between the employee and the employer for a specified period. This happens when there is no possibility of establishing labor relations for an indefinite period due to the specific nature of labor duties or in connection with the conditions in which they will be performed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The work book must be issued to the employee on the day of his dismissal, despite any obstacles. However, in working life, unforeseen circumstances sometimes arise that make it difficult to transfer this important document to the hands of a dismissed employee
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
About two months are left before the baby is born. This means that there are pleasant chores ahead: buying small pants and undershirts, choosing a stroller and a crib. But before that, the expectant mother needs to complete all business at work and take out maternity leave
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In Russia, a joint-stock company is the most common organizational and legal form for commercial enterprises of medium and large businesses. Moreover, large organizations are most often open-ended, while smaller ones exist as closed joint-stock companies
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According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the main document governing the relationship between an employer and an employee is an employment contract. The law does not mention such a document as a job description, but it belongs to the number of local regulations of the employer mentioned in Part 2 of Art
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Each legal entity must have constituent documents. Their composition depends on the organizational and legal form. Sometimes there are situations when changes are made to these documents, for example, when the name of the organization is changed
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A work record is an official document in which all the facts about an employee's labor activity are entered: hiring, firing, transfers, periods of "unemployed" status, etc. Necessary - Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Disciplinary action - punishment for improper performance by an employee of his official duties or violation of labor discipline. To appeal a disciplinary sanction, an employee must write a statement to one of these three authorized bodies: the commission on official disputes, the labor inspectorate or to the court
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Dismissal of an employee during the probationary period is the basis for termination of the contract on the initiative of the employer. Failure to comply with the dismissal procedure by the employer entails reinstatement at work. To fire an employee, do the following:
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An employee can be dismissed the next day after the warning only on condition of compensation for his earnings for the period remaining until the end of the warning. If the employment contract is terminated at the request of the employee himself, then he can be dismissed the next day after warning, with the consent of the employer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows a citizen of another state who has the right to visa-free entry to legally get a job in the country. To do this, you need to have a work permit, which is issued at the FMS department at the place of residence of the foreigner on the migration register
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In order to implement your plans and projects as efficiently as possible, you need to know exactly what you want and act systematically. Often our day is simply overloaded with little things that wedge into our lives, and we have no opportunity to go about our business, because we are no longer able to share our goals and other people's desires
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates in detail the amount and procedure for compensation for material liability. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, collection can be carried out by a court decision. A completely separate topic that deserves close attention is the recovery of financial liability to employers from an employee
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The leave can be used by the employee for rest or other purposes not related to work. The grounds and conditions for granting leave may differ, but it is almost always mandatory for an employee to write a corresponding statement. Necessary - paper
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Almost everyone had to change their place of work on their own initiative: moving, more paid or promising work, the desire to change the field of activity. There comes a time when the employee needs to terminate the employment contract as soon as possible
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Recently, more and more organizations have recruited employees who are citizens of other states. When applying for a job as a foreign citizen, HR services should take into account a number of nuances that distinguish the hiring of an IS from the hiring of a Russian citizen
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A tax return is a document by which people living in Russia provide a report on all profits received during the year. The declaration contains data on all legal income. This number includes profits received from abroad, from lottery winnings and others
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The job description for a certain employee does not belong to the category of mandatory documents, the presence of which is provided for by current legislation. At the same time, the regulation of the legal status of the employee, his rights, duties and responsibilities in the job description allows the employer to outline the range of production issues that a particular person is engaged in, improve labor discipline and formalize the requirements for personnel
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
According to the Law, the employer has the right to delay the payment of wages for no more than three days, and then after the written notification of the employee. But some executives break this rule, and employees have to almost knock their money out
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
There are several ways to find out how many working days are in the next calendar year. The simplest and most affordable option is to familiarize yourself with the production calendar, but you can also study regulations or use special calculators