Frequently changing legislation introduces new amendments to the procedure for calculating seniority. And even for an experienced accountant, each individual case of such a calculation is a new task, and not always easy.

Step 1
If this is your first time calculating seniority, know that there are three types of seniority. Insurance or work experience, civil service experience and special work experience, which takes into account periods of work or social activity in special conditions (hazardous industries, work in severe climatic conditions and areas that have been exposed to radioactive radiation). Such periods of labor activity are the basis for the establishment of a preferential pension, as well as a pension for seniority.
Step 2
Work with the employee's work book, which is the main document of proof of work experience. According to the Government Decree No. 555 of 07.24.02, in case of her absence, written employment contracts, contracts of a civil nature, etc. are accepted to confirm the length of service. Currently, the main condition for the inclusion of a period is the payment of mandatory payments during these periods, i.e. insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance. The Resolution also contains forms of certificates to confirm the periods that are included in the insurance experience.
Step 3
Based on Government Decree No. 555 and Law No. 173-FZ, review all records and documents for this employee, determine the periods that are included in the calculation of the pension. Also highlight those that relate to the appointment of a preferential pension, etc.
Step 4
Calculate the required periods of work in a calendar order based on a full year (12 months). Moreover, every thirty days are translated into months, and every twelve months are translated into full years. For convenience, write these periods in the column by the date of hiring and dismissal. If several selected periods included for calculating the pension coincide in time, then the one that the employee chooses is taken.
Step 5
Check the correctness of your calculations using the programs for calculating the insurance experience. They can be found on the internet. But do not be too lazy to calculate everything yourself for the first time.