Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the amount of compensation for damage caused to the victim must be complete. In other words, the victim must be compensated for real damage and lost income. This fully applies to damage that was caused as a result of a traffic accident
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Often, drivers who have suffered as a result of an accident cannot get real compensation for damage by a standard appeal to an insurance company. Sometimes the car owner is forced to sign a pile of documents, collect a bunch of certificates, come to the insurer and more than once, but there is still no compensation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The need to terminate the CASCO agreement may arise from the car owner at any time. This is the desire to sell a car, and problems with the insured company, as well as other issues. In case you wish to terminate your current CASCO insurance contract, you will need to do certain things
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The grounds for early termination of the CMTPL agreement are directly provided for by the current legislation. Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of the calculation of the part of the insurance premium to be returned. The validity of the OSAGO contract early terminates in cases regulated by the provisions of the Regulation on the rules of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners approved
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
To write a claim, you must have a clear idea of what it is. A claim is a written claim for compensation for damage resulting from an insured event. The purpose of the claim is a peaceful pre-trial settlement of the problem. Take the filing of a claim seriously, because the correctness of its preparation and the information contained in it depends on how quickly and to what extent your requirements will be satisfied
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
There are often times in life when an insurance company illegally delays or reduces insurance payments. Or maybe refuse to pay money altogether. In this case, there is no choice but to file a claim against her and prove his case in court. It is necessary -insurance policy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A claim to an insurance company is a documented claim of the policyholder for compensation for damage caused in an insured event. The property insurance contract contains all the rules regarding the procedure for filing and satisfying claims, but not many people know how to act in such situations and how to properly formalize their claims
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" provides for the seller's responsibility for the sold low-quality goods, and the buyer can use a number of tools for an unscrupulous seller (dealer). Instructions Step 1 Please read the Purchase Agreement carefully before starting the process of returning the vehicle to the dealer, as this procedure requires good reason
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Banks receive a good percentage of profits from car loans for citizens, but car owners have to pay a certain amount every month for their recently purchased car. The longer the loan period, the lower the monthly payment amount, however, these obligations drag on for many years
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For many motorists, the revocation of a driver's license is a very unpleasant situation, especially for those who need a car for work or to ensure a comfortable life for themselves and their loved ones. Deprivation of a driver's license can occur not only for violation of the Traffic Rules, but also because of the rather frequent permissiveness of traffic police officers
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If you fall into the category of persons who will be deprived of their rights, do not panic right away. You have the option of the right to return. Among other things, the fact that a police officer has withdrawn your rights does not mean that they have been deprived
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If the driver violates the traffic rules, the inspector has the right to take away the driver's license in some cases provided for by law. With a competent approach and knowledge of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it is possible to return the certificate
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Any car accident is stressful for everyone involved. It often happens that, under the influence of emotions and fear, a person loses control over himself and commits rash acts. In such a situation, some drivers leave the accident site, but how long can they hide?
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From July 1, 2015, amendments to the rules of the road come into force regarding the actions of drivers in the event of a road traffic accident. The law provides for the ability to leave the scene of an accident without adverse consequences for the driver
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An application for the removal of a vehicle from the register is filled out in the prescribed form on an approved form. The owner fills out only the front side of the application, the back side of the form is filled in by the traffic police inspector
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Unfortunately, with regard to the registration of cars with the traffic police, Russian legislation has changed more than once. And this, in turn, of course, caused some confusion. Even experienced motorists, who have sold and bought cars more than once, often do not know, for example, what documents are required to register a car with the traffic police at a given moment in time
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When buying a car abroad, it may turn out that customs duties will make such a purchase unprofitable. Therefore, before going abroad to purchase a car at a favorable cost, it is necessary to calculate the customs duty. The difference in tariffs for "
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In the tax code of the Russian Federation there is a law that says "income of individuals from the sale of property, including a car" is taxed. The owner who has completed the transaction for the sale of his personal car is obliged to submit a declaration of income received
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Article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation clearly defines all income of taxpayers - individuals, which are subject to taxation. The rate of the main personal income tax (PIT) is strictly defined - 13%, in some cases - 9, 15, 30, 35 (%)
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It is possible to become an heir in accordance with article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 146-Ф3 dated 26.11.01 and new introductions of part 3 dated 1.03.02. All inheritance left after the death of the testator is subject to division, as stated in article 1116 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
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Some time after the car was sold, the former owner receives a letter from the tax office reminding him that he must submit a personal income tax return for the year in which the sale was made. The procedure is quite simple, it is quite possible to draw up this declaration yourself, without using the services of intermediaries
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Any property can be inherited either by will or by law. Usually the inheritance process takes a lot of time and requires some legal knowledge. It is necessary death certificate; documents that will confirm the relationship with the deceased
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
When buying a car, it is very important to correctly draw up the purchase and sale documents. There are several checkout options with their own pros and cons. However, regardless of where and how you bought the car, it will have to be registered with the traffic police
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If you buy a car at a car dealership, most likely, you will be offered to help with its registration for a fee. But you can draw up the necessary documents on your own by contacting the MREO traffic police responsible for the area where you are registered at the place of residence
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On November 5, 2014, a new law was introduced, obliging to replace the driver's license when changing the surname. The period established for these actions is 10 days. In case of untimely replacement of a driver's license, penalties are provided in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 thousand rubles
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Entrepreneurs often provide sponsorship to some organization, taking care of their image. How to properly register the receipt of sponsorship so as not to get into an unpleasant situation with the tax office? Instructions Step 1 Make a sponsorship agreement in duplicate, corresponding in form to the donation agreement
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Pollution of water bodies is a serious problem that any caring inhabitant of Russia can help to cope with. There are several structures you can contact if you notice that a business or horticultural partnership is not complying with environmental laws
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If you decide to register a public foundation, you must understand that it is a public association and one of the types of non-profit organizations. Thus, its activities will be regulated by the Federal Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
No one is immune from illegal actions by criminals, and if you are faced with such injustice, then the first thing you need to do is go to the nearest police station and write a statement. According to Russian law, a statement is required to be accepted at any police station, but if you go to the nearest department to the incident, this can significantly simplify and speed up the search for the villain
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It is customary to be friends with neighbors, because they, like relatives, are not chosen. Sometimes, they can behave incorrectly, for example, disturb the peace of others. And if the case is an isolated one, you can still treat this with understanding
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A precinct officer must, in accordance with his official duties, protect the rights of citizens living in the territory under his jurisdiction. But very often citizens are dissatisfied with the work of their district police officer both in terms of exceeding official powers and in terms of his inaction
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It is impossible to take a statement about the committed offense from the police, but in a number of cases the applicant has a chance to dismiss the criminal case due to the reconciliation of the parties. Any citizen who has suffered from a wrongful act can apply to the police
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Law is a set of laws and rules that govern the life of society. To answer this question, why does a person need this, it is worth asking another question: what are traffic lights for? And any sane person (especially if he is a resident of a large city) will confidently answer:
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Nowadays, the media and book publications often show us fearless criminals who spit on any laws. Many people argue that existing laws do not correspond to the realities of our time, so they should not be followed. Let me disappoint you right away, even the heroes abide by the established laws
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A statement to the police is a written or oral appeal of a citizen, which contains a message about an impending or committed crime in order to protect his violated rights, catch criminals, and compensate for material and moral harm caused by the crime
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A criminal record may be required when applying for a job, obtaining a residence permit, a weapon permit, or when adopting children. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for its issuance. It is necessary - passport and copies of all completed pages
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The main normative act establishing restrictions related to the use and circulation of drugs in the Russian Federation is the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”. This law contains norms that reflect the specifics of state regulation of drug production and trafficking in Russia
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Theft is a philistine concept that has nothing to do with the accepted legal terminology. Theft involves any theft of property. On the contrary, theft and robbery have a clear legal definition, are considered crimes, and are part of the Criminal Code
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The issue of storing a car in a big city is quite acute. One of the ways to solve this problem in an organized way is to create a garage-building cooperative (GSK). In comparison with other types of non-profit associations of citizens, the organization of the GSK has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account even at the stage of planning the activities of the future cooperative
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
As you know, many built garages are cooperative, that is, they are located in garage-building cooperatives (GSK), and this is the cheapest method of building a garage. But at the same time, this garage is not your property from a legal point of view, and you are selling your membership in a cooperative, not a garage, when you resell