What Documents Are Needed To Register A Car With The Traffic Police

What Documents Are Needed To Register A Car With The Traffic Police
What Documents Are Needed To Register A Car With The Traffic Police

Unfortunately, with regard to the registration of cars with the traffic police, Russian legislation has changed more than once. And this, in turn, of course, caused some confusion. Even experienced motorists, who have sold and bought cars more than once, often do not know, for example, what documents are required to register a car with the traffic police at a given moment in time.

documents for registration of the car with the traffic police
documents for registration of the car with the traffic police

Registration of a car with the traffic police in our country is mandatory. Of course, you cannot drive on the roads of Russia without numbers and documents confirming the right to drive this particular car. All cars and trucks, as well as tractors, motorcycles, trailers are subject to registration with the traffic police.

List of required documents

Most often, Internet users are interested in what documents are needed to register a car with the traffic police, of course, when purchasing a new or used passenger car. In this case, for registration, the new owner of the car must be provided to the inspector:

  1. PTS. This document is a double-folded A4 sheet with blue or pink marks, which reflects data about the car itself, as well as about all its previous owners (or about a car dealer for a new car).
  2. A document confirming the right to register the car by the applicant. This can be, for example, a certificate of inheritance, an agreement concluded between the seller of the secondary market and the buyer, an invoice certificate, etc.
  3. Registration certificate for a car from the aftermarket.
  4. Compulsory insurance policy with owner's data.
  5. Application for registration.
  6. Passport of a citizen of Russia.

These are basically the documents needed to register the car with the traffic police. If the car is driven from another country, the traffic police will also have to carry transit numbers. Also, for registration, you will need to bring a receipt to confirm payment of the state duty.

The old owner does not need to deregister the car in advance. According to the new regulations, which came into force in 2013, a similar procedure in the traffic police is carried out automatically when the new owner applies for registration.

How to fill out an application for registering a car with the traffic police

It will be easy to fill out an application for registration, if necessary. Here you just need to indicate your full name, some passport data and sign. The presence of blots and strikethroughs in this document is unacceptable. The form can be downloaded on the official website of the traffic police. But it is better to fill it in by hand directly at the traffic police department. Forms of forms in different MREO may differ slightly, and in this case, the application will be accepted guaranteed.

Where can I register a car?

Previously, a motorist wishing to register a car had to contact the traffic police at the place of his registration. It was, of course, not very convenient. According to the new legislation, you can register a car at any nearest traffic police department,

Features of the registration procedure

So, now you know what documents are required to register a car with the traffic police. To save time on registration, the car owner should first go to the traffic police website and sign up for this procedure online. Previously, the queues at the MREO were very long. But now, according to the law, the registration procedure should not take more than an hour (of course, if a full package of documents is provided). An online application will further shorten this procedure.

After the documents from the new owner are accepted, the inspector will inspect the car. This procedure is necessary in order to exclude the sale / purchase of stolen vehicles. The number of the body, chassis, etc., stamped into the car must correspond to those indicated in the TCP. When entering data about a car into the traffic police computer, a check is automatically made for a wanted car. During the inspection, the inspector, among other things, checks to see if the numbers have been interrupted.

Registration of a car in the traffic police: the final stage

After the inspection is completed, the motorist should get his hands on:

  • registration certificate;
  • numbers (two).

Also, the new owner is returned all documents for registration given by him to the inspector. In this case, the TCP must be checked for entering the applicant's data.
