Each leader in a given situation is faced with the question of the need to characterize his subordinate. An assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee is needed when introducing him, drawing up a description, recommendation, and a certification sheet. How not to miss the main thing and write a thorough and correct review of the employee?

Step 1
The professional and personal "portrait" of a subordinate should be disclosed as objectively as possible. It is important to take into account all opinions: both you, as your immediate superior, and employees of the personnel department (personnel service), and colleagues.
Step 2
The indicators that will help to assess the business and personal qualities of a subordinate are quite diverse. As a rule, professional competence is in the first place. When drawing conclusions on this position, take into account the employee's work experience, the level of his knowledge in the field of the main activity, as well as the degree of familiarity with the legislative and other regulations governing this activity. At the same time, your assessments can be very positive ("great experience", "high level", "deep knowledge"); medium ("sufficient"); below the average “not well enough familiar with …”, low (“does not have experience and skills in the field of …”).
Step 3
It is important to remember that the business qualities of a person also mean organizational skills and the ability, under certain circumstances, to take on leadership functions. How strong is your subordinate at this?
Step 4
Assess the employee's skills in planning work, analyzing it and monitoring the execution of tasks. Does he clearly follow these procedures or, on the contrary, is not assembled and requires constant monitoring himself?
Step 5
Performance characteristics will be essential in assessing business qualities. How active, proactive is the employee in the performance of his immediate duties? Does he effectively and creatively organize his work process, does he perform tasks efficiently and does he meet the deadlines? Mark the punctuality and discipline of the employee with the appropriate scale.
Step 6
Business qualities include the ability of a subordinate to establish productive working relationships with both management and colleagues and clients. Note dedication, teamwork, learning.
Step 7
All positive assessments of your employee were probably marked by various kinds of rewards. Take them as a basis for assessing your business qualities, whether it is a victory in a professional competition or effective public work. Surely the subordinate had other achievements (rationalization proposals, proposals for improving working conditions, assistance in preparing a presentation or meeting with partners, and so on).
Step 8
You can judge the personal qualities of a subordinate taking into account your perception of this person, as well as an adequate assessment of the style of his communication with colleagues. When describing personal qualities, it is important to note the degree of conscientiousness, benevolence of a person, his responsiveness, sociability, commitment, diligence. The characterization of a subordinate as a family man is also appropriate.