How To Do Exercises In The Office

How To Do Exercises In The Office
How To Do Exercises In The Office

During the working day, you have to sit a lot in a static position, while moving very little. It is not surprising that by the end of the day fatigue builds up, legs swell, back and head begin to ache. There is no need to talk about any good working capacity. Therefore, charging for the office is an urgent need, it will help to keep a clear head and cheerfulness not only during the working day, but also after it.

How to do exercises in the office
How to do exercises in the office

Warm up for legs

If you spend all day at the computer, you need to set aside 5-10 minutes for warm-up every two hours. During it, you can walk along the corridor, quickly go up and down several floors. Near your work area, and even while sitting, you can also stretch out. But you shouldn't do any intense exercises, sudden movements with a large amplitude - you may sweat, and your appearance may suffer from this.

Sedentary work affects, first of all, the legs, the blood supply of which is disrupted. This is fraught with edema and varicose veins. Try not to sit at a table with your legs crossed, this further interferes with normal blood flow. If you can't get up and walk right now, do this exercise: sit with your back straight and your legs apart at shoulder level, they should be parallel to each other. Place your palms on your knees and, while trying to raise your feet on your toes, simultaneously rest your palms.

In the process of work, you can, while sitting at the table, "run" with your feet on the floor, touching it with the inside, then with the outside of the foot, or, taking off your shoes, lift your socks and knock on the floor with your heels. A good effect is given by foot massage using a felt-tip pen or a thick pencil, which can be rolled on the floor alternately, first with one foot, then with the other.

Warm up for the body

Sit in a chair straight, tense your abdominal muscles, join your hands in a "lock" and stretch them out in front of you, turn your hands with the back towards you. Move your head back and forth. Tighten the muscles of the shoulder girdle, do not bend your arms at the elbows. Then you can lift them up several times in the same position. Keep your back straight.

To stretch your shoulders, put your hands behind your back - put one on the back of your head, and press the other with the back of your hand against your back below the shoulder blades. Tilt your head back, resting on your palm, lock in this position, counting to 10, then change hands. Clasp your palms into a "lock", put them on the back of your head and spread your elbows to the sides as wide as possible, throwing your head back as far as possible and bending at the lower back. Sit in this position for 6-7 seconds.

Sit on the edge of the chair, cross your arms and grab the palm of your right hand under your left knee, with your left palm under your right. Round your back by pressing your chin to your chest and pull your back muscles. Lock in for 7-10 seconds.

Warm up for the eyes

Do not forget that the muscles of the eyes also get tired from sitting at the computer for a long time. To keep your eyes from getting tired, close them, lightly press your fingertips on the eyelids and begin to rotate the pupils left and right, up and down, until they stop. Open your eyes wide and rotate your pupils, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
