To formalize the paternity of a person who is not married to the child's mother, you must submit an application to the registry office. The application must be submitted with the mother of the child. The registration of the father is made immediately after the birth of the child and the registration of the fact of birth with the civil registry offices. If the child has reached the age of majority, paternity can be formalized only with his personal consent.

- -the passport
- -a joint application to the registry office with the mother of the child
- - child's birth certificate
- -notarial permission from the mother of the child
- -judicial decision in case of mother's refusal to issue a permit
Step 1
Write an application to the registry office together with the child's mother to change the child's document and enter information about the father in the child's birth certificate.
Step 2
The child's mother must have a notarial permission to change the information in the child's birth certificate and enter information about the father.
Step 3
In the application, indicate your details, details of the child's mother and the child himself. Indicate why the information about the father was not entered into the document earlier, and the reason why you want to enter information about yourself in the child's documents.
Step 4
If the child's mother does not give permission to formalize paternity, then it is necessary to undergo a DNA examination to establish the fact of paternity and apply to the court. Only by a court decision will you be able to formalize paternity and enter information about the father in the child's documents.
Step 5
If you are not the father of the child, you need to adopt the child in order to formalize paternity. To do this, collect a list of documents required for adoption and go to court. Only after a court decision can you obtain father status.