How To Make Money On Rewriting On The Internet

How To Make Money On Rewriting On The Internet
How To Make Money On Rewriting On The Internet

One of the most affordable ways to make money online is rewriting texts. This option is suitable for everyone who is able to express the text in his own words with minimal errors, without changing its meaning.

Earnings on rewriting
Earnings on rewriting

What do you need to be able to make money with the help of rewriting?

Firstly, you need to know Russian at a good level. However, as practice shows, it is not necessary to show miracles of literacy, it is enough not to make gross grammatical and punctuation mistakes. The fact is that usually the main task of the customer of the text is to fill the site with unique content, and the customer cares about its quality only secondarily. In addition, the rates in this area of earnings are so low that no one will demand perfect literacy from the author.

It is recommended to search for employers on text exchanges or on webmaster forums. There are also thematic communities on social networks where rewrite vacancies are offered.

Secondly, you need to be able to retell the text adequately to the content, avoiding sharp discrepancies in meaning. It is worth clarifying in advance whether the customer needs a strict rewriting, or whether he needs a free presentation with rearranging paragraphs. But the main thing that must be observed is the consistency of the narrative and factual reliability. However, a very cheap rewrite does not even imply that.

Thirdly, the text that you end up with must be unique. This means that it has not been posted anywhere else on the Internet. It happens that the retelling of the text turns out to be too close to the original, therefore the standards of uniqueness are applied. The customer usually informs what the acceptable limit of the uniqueness of the text he will accept and pay. As a rule, the originality of the text should be at least 90%. You can check this indicator using special programs and sites: Advego Plagiatus,, etc.

How much can you earn on rewriting?

When looking for orders, you should be careful to get paid for your work and not be a victim of scammers. It is better to work with trusted customers who have a high rating on freelance exchanges or are active in social networks.

This type of activity is paid more than modestly. Since such work does not require high qualifications, there are many who want to earn extra money in this way, and the cost of the texts is low. A good price is the amount of 30 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces. Having filled your hand, you can make 20,000 characters a day, which is 600 rubles. If you work on weekdays, you get 12,000 rubles a month, which is a good salary for the province. However, this way of earning money requires patience and perseverance, the ability to overcome your own laziness and various circumstances that may prevent the delivery of the text on time.
