There are always a number of people in the world who are not ready to go with the flow and be like everyone else. This makes them literally run from a stuffy, noisy office to "free bread" and look for a job that does not require a presence on the company's territory five days a week. If you have also long thought about how to become more independent, create your work schedule in a way that is convenient for yourself, and not for the HR department or the boss - check out the list of some specialties that will free you from "office slavery".

Despite the seeming lightness, the simple work of a photographer cannot be precisely called: firstly, you need to have some special skills and knowledge, for example, about composition, light, exposure, to own special computer programs for processing the resulting images. Secondly, to be able to work with people: after all, a good artist must be able not only to make beautiful pictures, but also to “sell” himself. In addition, it depends on him how comfortable his models will be on the set, whether they can relax. However, this is an interesting profession that can allow you to realize your dream, show your creativity, attend interesting events and meet new people. A studio or work area for a photographer can be anywhere - just have a good camera and laptop.
Image maker
Another interesting profession that does not tolerate routine. Well suited for those who follow fashion and its main trends, know different brands, have a sense of beauty and love shopping. And most importantly, it strives to make people more beautiful. Of course, you will also need to acquire special knowledge, such as working with color types and different types of figures, style directions. But after a while it will be possible to earn a lot of money on what for many is just a hobby.
Hair stylist or manicurist
As in the previous case, here the work also most of the time involves communication with people and a person's sense of style. Of course, you will need to undergo special training and purchase consumables … But then you can work either in the salon or at home, and control your schedule. You can also try to collaborate with photographers or participate in fashion shows - if you wish!
Having a personal chef is now a fashionable trend in wealthy families. Although the path from a simple lover to cook something tasty for household members to a true master of his craft is rather difficult and long, those who want to realize their dreams will not be scared. To obtain professional knowledge, you can study at a technical school or take author's courses from famous gurus. As a result, it will be possible to earn quite a lot of money, travel to other countries to improve skills, etc.
Travel blogger
Certainly not a job, but a dream! This type of activity is well suited for those who like to travel, “are friends with the word” and are able to write brightly and colorfully about their impressions, sights, share interesting places and good angles for filming, attaching beautiful photos. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a professional journalist: as practice shows, many successful bloggers are representatives of completely different professions. The main thing is to have a sense of humor and your own style, and of course, a few gadgets to help you.
Unlike previous professions, the job of a designer often requires a serious education, preferably obtained from a well-known design school. Or at least graduation from the design faculty, if we are talking about work in the field of decor and interior design. Those who want to try their hand at creating clothes need to take at least elementary courses in cutting and sewing. And if you graduated from art school and are friends with a computer, you can try yourself in graphic design or "drawing" sites. In any case, you do not depend on the workplace - the main thing is that you have the right laptop at hand, and, of course, a sense of artistic style.
IT specialist
Often, introverts find it difficult to find themselves in a noisy team, to communicate with many colleagues. Therefore, one of the best directions for people of such a warehouse, which does not require a presence in the office, is to work in the IT field. Today it is a fairly highly paid type of activity, and it is not easy to find good specialists here. And you can work even from the ocean coast, drinking juice, in Thailand! The main conditions are knowledge of programming languages, and a good computer with Internet access. In this case, for example, you can enter into an international collaboration with an office in the United States and work on an ambitious project.
Wedding planner
If you have strong organizational skills and you know how to control everything and not miss anything, then you can safely try yourself in such a direction of activity as organizing celebrations and events. A pleasant plus is the opportunity to communicate with representatives of various professions. The main thing is to be always connected and mobile, so you should take care of obtaining a driver's license and purchase a car. And your office can also be your home! You can open your own agency or offer your services to an existing one. Having a portfolio with already implemented projects will make you a sought-after specialist.
Psychologist and Sexual Development Instructor
Psychology is an interesting science. Many people underestimate the importance of being a coach psychologist. Often, psychological problems require professional help, and a full-fledged relationship between spouses requires sexual skills. Today, the format of webinars is quite popular. You can teach anything you want without leaving your home. And you are comfortable and your audience, which has a unique opportunity, being in Magadan, Kaliningrad or even San Francisco, to gain knowledge, develop, improve itself and your body.