A cafe administrator is an inconspicuous and irreplaceable person who is aware of everything that happens within the walls of the cafe. He controls the work of the team, solves organizational problems and is an intermediate link between the management of the cafe and its employees.

The cafe administrator is also called the hall manager or manager. What is his job? Such a person should be able to solve many problems, but his main function is to control the quality of service in the hall, recruit personnel and analyze controversial and conflict situations.
Main functions
As a rule, such a person has some experience in the restaurant business and has organizational skills, which allows him to manage the team and maintain order and a pleasant atmosphere in the hall. But in addition to all these skills, the administrator of the cafe must himself have confidence and evoke positive emotions in the visitors. In clothes and hairstyle, preference is given to the classic style, and the expression on the face should always be benevolent, smiling and welcoming. Even without relevant experience in this area, the manager must know all the standards of hospitality and ensure that they are adhered to.
Therefore, he needs to constantly improve his professional skills, learn the principles of service, bar management, sommelier skills and the like. Indeed, in any critical situation, he must easily replace one of the workers. What else is the job of a cafe administrator? Among other things, be able to work with a cash register and a computer. Knowledge of the PC will allow you to keep track of products and inventory. The hall manager regularly communicates with the permitting authorities conducting inspections in establishments of this type, and takes measures to eliminate any deficiencies found.
Additional functions
What is the job of a cafe administrator? In communicating the decisions of the higher management to the entire team, filling out all the standard documentation and conducting a monthly inventory. The manager is obliged to submit to the accounting department the payroll of employees, control the accurate filling of accounts and organize cleaning days, taking an active part in them. The Hall Manager is responsible for planning and serving anniversaries, banquets and weddings. In general, the administrator of a cafe should always be aware of everything that happens in the establishment, be invisible and irreplaceable, take a responsible approach to performing his duties and follow the guide “we work for our guests”.