As a student, you are probably wondering about possible ways to get a part-time job. It can be difficult to meet even your minimum needs without a stipend supplement. Of course, parents can help, but not everyone has such an opportunity. And spending money earned by your own labor is much more pleasant.

Step 1
Earn money by freelancing. Find tasks that you can complete remotely. Refer to the Internet for search. If you know a foreign language well enough, you can translate. Knowing how to work with image processing programs can help you complete simple design tasks. Depending on your talents and skills, you can earn extra money, for example, as a programmer, journalist or web designer. Find an area in which you are well versed, and work on a free schedule, without interrupting the institute or university.
Step 2
Start looking for a job in your future specialty. You have the chance to get an assistant position in a firm that takes part-time students. Thus, you will not only receive income, but also start your career while studying. Such a start will give you many advantages over your peers, from the beginning of work experience to gaining professional experience.
Step 3
Look for other specialties that do not require work experience. These are such professions as a courier, a waiter, a promoter or a bartender. You can also get a job as a call center operator, which, in addition to material benefits, can provide useful skills that will be useful to you in your future career and life.
Step 4
Look for work in other areas that offer an opportunity to combine with your studies. For example, become a mystery shopper, a TV show or movie crowd, a merchandiser, a marketer who needs to compare prices for a particular item across multiple outlets, or a member of a focus group. You can also take part in conducting population surveys and sociological surveys.
Step 5
Use your knowledge and hobbies. If you are good with computers, you can help other people with this matter for a small fee. You can also do tutoring if you are strong in some area of knowledge and know how to competently present the material to another person. For those who know how to professionally handle a camera, the job of a wedding photographer is suitable. You will have to work mainly on weekends, and this service is paid very well.
Step 6
Place an ad about looking for a job on the Internet and in special periodicals. This will give you a better chance of finding an opportunity to earn money while studying.