With a decrease in sales revenue, it is possible to increase sales. For this it is necessary to analyze several points. Select a seller according to all the rules of marketing, distribute the products in a convenient and beneficial way for you, change the name of the company if it is dissonant. Apply a discount system to attract more customers.

Step 1
As a rule, the seller is the face of the store. A consultant is selected depending on what kind of product is sold in the company. If you have a store of, for example, youth clothing, then it is advisable for the seller to dress in the goods that are sold in this organization. After all, first of all, buyers pay attention to the appearance of the consultant (he must be neat, polite, unobtrusive). It is most correct to invite a specialist under the age of 25 to sellers of youth clothing. After all, potential buyers of such a store are young people, and it is easier for a consultant of the appropriate age to find a common language with consumers.
Step 2
Product display is of great importance in increasing sales. As merchandising researchers have found, proper product distribution leads to customer engagement. Put in the foreground (that is, in the place where the eye of the buyer first of all falls when entering the store) a product that has a striking appearance. If this is a clothing store, assemble the goods so that the consumer can better see that the company has a design approach, and the buyer will be helped to choose a set.
Step 3
Distribute all things by manufacturer (if the store sells expensive things). Arrange the goods by types, names (this applies to middle and economy class clothes), but so that it is convenient for the consumer to find the right thing.
Step 4
The name of the store plays a very important role. If your company has a dissonant name, it is better to change it. It should be memorable, unlike others, but at the same time carry the essence of the activity.
Step 5
The system of discounts affects all buyers. To apply it, first include 5-10 percent in the price of the item. Then it will be profitable for you to sell, and the number of items sold will increase significantly. After all, this way you will attract many customers, sell more goods.
Step 6
Order advertising on radio, television. Although it takes a lot of money, the money will pay off. Sales will increase and there will be more customers. But the most important thing in trading is to stay in the market. To get ahead of the competition, you need your company to stand out from the rest with its quality, service, and the right approach of salespeople.