Those who plan to become a tram driver should know that this is a serious profession that requires a high level of responsibility, because you will have to be responsible for people's lives every day.

Where to go to study
To master the profession of a carriage driver, it is enough to have at least secondary education. Next, you will have to take courses for tram drivers. Information about the time and place of the courses can be obtained from the depot in your city.
On average, tram driver courses last for 10 months, they are free of charge and, as a rule, subsequent employment is guaranteed. First, you will be given lectures for six months, then driving practice, an exam, and you can get to work. After being assigned to the depot, you will have to do an internship for some time under the guidance of an experienced coachman. In addition to practical exercises, they will show you how to understand the departure schedule, how to repair tram iron, etc.
It is worth knowing that after completing the courses and receiving a document certifying that you can work as a tram driver, you will have to work in this specialty for at least three years, because before starting the courses, an agreement is concluded with each applicant. Otherwise, the payment of the penalty is an average of 30-40 thousand rubles.
During the courses, you will study such disciplines as traffic rules, rules for the technical operation of the train, the device of tram cars, the basics of electrical safety and labor protection, first aid.
Features of the profession
It is worth knowing that both a man and a woman over the age of 21 can become a tram driver. This profession requires excellent health, because the tram driver has to go out on the route even in severe frost. And the trams are not very warm. In addition, a person with a stable psyche will be able to work as a car driver, because situations on the road are different. The profession of a tram driver assumes a shift work schedule and rather early wakes, because the working day of a person in this profession begins at 4 in the morning. It is worth considering the weather conditions, because in autumn and spring it is much more difficult to drive a tram, because the tracks are slippery and muddy.
It is important for a tram driver to learn to drive smoothly so as not to scatter the conductor and passengers around the cabin, but at the same time quickly enough so as not to get out of schedule.
The salary of a novice tram driver is on average 22 thousand rubles, if you work without gross violations. The leave of the car drivers is 28 days, if you work for 11 months in a row, you will add another 12 days.
When choosing the profession of a tram driver, assess all the possible risks.