Delimitation Of State Ownership Of Land

Delimitation Of State Ownership Of Land
Delimitation Of State Ownership Of Land

Land can be delineated by federal, municipal property and by subjects in accordance with Russian legislation. How is it done? What laws are in effect?

Delimitation of state ownership of land
Delimitation of state ownership of land

Delimitation of state ownership of land

What is this distinction? The process itself is complex and difficult to regulate the law and also socially and economically. There are situations when the help of self-government and law and order is required. This may also affect departments of law, for example, the city government, which is responsible for the management of territories. In the order of delineation, the land area is transferred to the property of the authorities, subjects or local authorities. This moment of transfer of the land plot is marked by an authorized person, body. The documentation confirming the right is established - a certificate of ownership.

Land demarcation on records in the cadastral map. If there is no land demarcation, land ownership is impossible. If a site appears in populated areas and has any administrative status, then they are attributed to the ownership of municipalities, with exceptions. The subjects have laws that allow an undivided land area to be located in the possession of the authorities. Consequently, non-delimited allotments can serve as subjects of legal relations.

Ownership according to law

If the allotment is listed in the estate of the state, then in a primitive version it is allowed to delimit it. The guarantors of the right can be: the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the normative act on registration and the status obtained.

For the distribution of land, they first write a statement, which is drawn up by the executive body, the municipality or any person according to the authority. Then, a number of documents, a cadastral passport and a site plan should be sent to the informed authority. The land is distributed among the subjects according to the location on the territory and according to the provision to the authorities, enterprises, non-profit organizations.

Federally owned territories

- Plots with buildings and structures listed in federal ownership.

- Areas that belong to authorities, governments, state-owned enterprises.

- Plots used by the Academy of Sciences, if the transfer took place before the recognition by virtue of rights by status.

- Leased territories, "Russian Highways".

Territories belonging to regional ownership

- Sites and some structures have already been assigned to the regional authorities.

- Territories given into the possession of subjects in the region.

- Plots that belong to the land of rural economy, pass across the road, with communications, plantings and water structures.

Plots owned by the municipality

- Plots found in the area of buildings owned by the municipality.

- Territories at the disposal of the district authorities.

- Land for the development of the population.

The Land Code differentiates separately the property that the participant acquired before 2006. Thus, acts of ownership should be considered as grounds for registering property rights. Land resources should not be held only by one authority. They must be distributed. Today, the delineation has become easier, but still there are minor problems and disputes. The institution of delimitation of state property allows subjects and regions to develop.
