How To Get A Royalty-free Program

How To Get A Royalty-free Program
How To Get A Royalty-free Program

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Free transfer is the provision by the owner of his property (thing) for free temporary use to someone provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Such a contract is also called a loan.

How to get a royalty-free program
How to get a royalty-free program


Step 1

A loan agreement is one of the varieties of gratuitous agreements. According to it, the lender transfers the thing or material values to the borrower on the basis of gratuitous use rights. The borrower, after a certain time, undertakes to return this thing in the same condition or with a level of wear that does not exceed the norm. This agreement is universal - it can be both unilateral and bilateral (ie, provide for a kind of temporary "exchange" of things according to the rules of gratuitous transfer).

Step 2

When making a gratuitous transfer, in no case should it be confused with a lease agreement. It does not affect the field of entrepreneurship and does not imply remuneration for the use of a thing. Moreover, a legal entity does not have the right to transfer things free of charge to its own founder or manager.

Step 3

The parties to this agreement in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are the lender and the borrower. The only essential condition of the loan agreement can be directly the subject of the agreement - the very things that are the object of gratuitous transfer. Both the lender and the borrower have the rights and are responsible according to the rules established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 4

When registering a gratuitous transfer, it is necessary to indicate the transfer of which property is the obligation of the lender, in what condition the property was at the time of its transfer, whether the borrower has the right to demand the elimination of defects or compensation for losses incurred in connection with the defect of the thing. The recipient of a thing for gratuitous use, in turn, undertakes to maintain the condition of the thing during operation at an appropriate level, bear all the costs necessary for its maintenance, and carry out repairs at its own expense, if necessary.
