It is doubly difficult to manage personnel if employees turn out to be older than their own manager. In such cases, it is difficult to avoid envious glances, unpleasant gossip, intrigue and even insubordination on the part of those who are a few steps of the career ladder below. However, the patience and wisdom of a young leader will help him gain credibility in the team and become a successful boss.

Step 1
Become an example to others. Employees will not be sympathetic to your requests to stop being late if you yourself arrive at the office half an hour after the start of the working day. Your dress, speech, behavior - everything must be impeccable. The easiest way is to make a list of the requirements for ordinary employees, and then begin to strictly comply with them yourself.
Step 2
Do not give rise to gossip and do not spread rumors yourself. It is advisable that subordinates do not know anything about your personal life at all. Try to behave calmly with employees, especially if you hear the phrases: “So young, but no children. Apparently, the patient "or" Recently graduated from the institute, and already climbs into the chiefs, it is clear that there are connections. " If you give vent to anger, there is a risk that envious people will savor the same phrases behind your back, realizing that it annoys you.
Step 3
Listen to the opinion of more experienced specialists, even if it is your subordinates. Due to little experience, a young leader cannot know those things that a simple employee who has worked for more than a dozen years is well versed in. If someone from the staff pointed out your mistake to you, and you understand that you really made a mistake, take note of the comment and even thank you for it. It is better to have a reputation as an intelligent person, ready to listen, but not yet experienced enough, than a tyrant who does not know anything about his business.
Step 4
Give preference to a democratic "form of government". This means that you need to choose a middle ground between despotism and liberalism. Those. adhere to the hierarchy, do not allow employees to forget who is in charge here, and at the same time make them understand that their opinion is also valuable. Always be strict but fair. This will help you gain credibility in your team more quickly and make staff understand that a youthful leader is not a disadvantage.