The characterization per employee may be required for internal use, for example, for appraisals or for promotions. In addition, it can be requested by third-party organizations: upon receipt of a passport, in the traffic police or in court. Employees of personnel services, who have at their disposal all the necessary information, or the immediate superior of the employee, write a description.

Step 1
If you are a manager who is tasked with writing a positive testimonial to your employee, ask for the necessary information about him in the HR department. The internal characteristic is written on an ordinary standard A4 sheet of writing paper, the external one - on the letterhead of the organization, which indicates its full name, requisites and contact numbers.
Step 2
In the title part of the characteristic, after the word "Characteristic" write the surname, name and patronymic of the employee, the position he holds.
Step 3
In the questionnaire part of the characteristic, write basic information about him - year and place of birth, educational institutions that he graduated from, in what year and in what specialty. Indicate previous places of work and describe in detail his work path in your organization: from what year, and in what positions he works in it.
Step 4
Tell us about which refresher courses or business schools he completed. If he has scientific papers or publications, do not forget to tell about this too. Reflect his participation in conferences and symposia as a speaker. Note the positive effect of the new knowledge and technology he uses to increase the productivity and overall performance of your organization.
Step 5
In the main part of the characteristics, describe the duties that this employee performs and the high quality of this performance. Reflect his participation in large projects or those indicators that characterize his activities in the best way: non-standard, creative and innovative approach to the implementation of assigned tasks, high quality, timeliness.
Step 6
Tell us about the personal qualities that help him in his work: responsibility, diligence, conscientiousness and accuracy. Note his friendly attitude towards colleagues and respect in the team, which he deservedly enjoys.
Step 7
The characteristic is signed by the head of the organization, the head of the personnel department and the immediate superior of the employee.