How To Cut An Employee

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How To Cut An Employee
How To Cut An Employee

Video: How To Cut An Employee

Video: How To Cut An Employee
Video: How to terminate an employee professionally. The proper way to handle termination. 2024, October

Despite the constant reduction of civil servants, their number is not decreasing, which greatly slows down the work of all systems. Maybe it's all the fault of the legislative norms established in such cases?

How to cut an employee
How to cut an employee


Step 1

Like citizens working in private structures, civil servants must be warned of the upcoming layoffs no later than 2 months in advance (in person and on receipt). This procedure is envisaged not only in connection with the liquidation of public authorities. It can also be carried out in accordance with the program to reduce the number of bureaucratic apparatus, which is constantly announced from the highest tribunes.

Step 2

Reduction is subject only in case of liquidation of the organization:

- persons who have two or more dependent persons;

- single mothers raising children under 14 (or disabled children under 18);

- pregnant women and women on maternity leave.

Step 3

The trade union, the employment service and the labor inspectorate are also notified of upcoming mass or single dismissals 2 months in advance. But if the trade union vetoes such actions by employers (in this case, the state), the reduction can be canceled or suspended.

Step 4

Whatever it was, but the receipt in confirmation of consent to dismissal from the official was taken. Over the next two months, he will continue to fulfill his duties. The state must either offer him an equivalent position in another department of the department, or pay monetary compensation in the amount of the average monthly salary within 3 months after the reduction.

Step 5

In addition, the employee is given the opportunity to undergo retraining at public expense. According to its results, he will be able to apply for either a higher rank, or for a job in another department in accordance with his qualifications.

Step 6

But in any case, the employee (as well as his family members) will retain all the benefits that were available for a year after the layoff. Even if he is recognized as unemployed, then the continuity of the experience will also be maintained for this period, which will be reflected in the work book.
