If you have been sued, and you consider it unmotivated, then file an objection to the claim - this is a written document in which you set out your counterarguments to the claims brought against you. The objection to the claim does not initiate independent legal proceedings. It is a concrete implementation of the defendant's right to defend his rights and interests, helps the court determine the essence of the dispute and, therefore, correctly resolve the case on the merits.

Step 1
In the objection, be sure to indicate information about the plaintiff and the defendant and their addresses; indicate on the merits of what requirements you are making an objection and on what evidence you rely; please provide a list of attached documents.
Step 2
Provide phone numbers, fax numbers and other information that is necessary for a quick and correct handling of the case. Attach documents and evidence to your objection that support your position.
Step 3
Submit or submit a written statement to the court considering the claim, along with documents confirming your right to do so. In objection, you can file any motion related to the process. If you do not want to drag out the proceedings, then submit your objection in a timely manner, this will save you time and money.
Step 4
The document is signed either by you or your representative on the basis of a power of attorney. Remember that you must attach a power of attorney to the objection, which confirms the authority of your representative.
Step 5
Among other things, an objection is not a mandatory document, but rather a desirable one. In order for your review to refute the position of the other party, analyze in detail the statement of claim, correctly assess the attitude of the parties to the subject of the claim from a legal point of view, provide such arguments that refute the claim.