How To Write A Complaint Against A Director

How To Write A Complaint Against A Director
How To Write A Complaint Against A Director

Table of contents:


If the director of your enterprise goes beyond the powers of the employer prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and enshrined in the labor contract, contact the local branch of the Federal Labor Inspectorate with a complaint about his unauthorized actions.

How to write a complaint against a director
How to write a complaint against a director


Step 1

Before writing a complaint, calm down, concentrate and think: is your director really wrong? Were his actions dictated by certain circumstances beyond his control? If his illegal actions are systematic, then the complaint may be well founded.

Step 2

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write a complaint addressed to the head of the local branch of the Federal Labor Inspectorate. Write the name of this institution and the name of the head in the upper right. Next, enter your contact information (name, address and contact phone number). If some points remain unclear in the text of your complaint, an employee of the Federal Labor Inspectorate will be able to contact you by phone and clarify all the nuances.

Step 3

In the main part of the complaint, try to state the essence of your complaints against the director, without going into unnecessary details, but also without losing sight of important details. If possible, refer to the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which, in your opinion, were violated by the employer.

Step 4

Reflect the essence of your complaint in the very first lines so that the person who will be considering it immediately understands what will be at stake. And only after that, proceed to the presentation of the facts that served as the reason for writing it.

Step 5

Use emotional explanation techniques if appropriate. So if you have previously contacted the director on this issue, and he either did not answer, or behaved with you in an unworthy manner, point this out and ask for help in resolving the problem.

Step 6

At the end of the complaint, be sure to indicate what results you expect from contacting the Federal Labor Inspectorate. Add a number and signature.

Step 7

Submit your complaint by registered mail with notification. If after a month from the Federal Labor Inspectorate there was no reaction to your appeal, then if the question is really important, contact the prosecutor's office.
