HR manager, or HR manager, is a relatively new profession in Russia. A significant part of the functions passed to him from his predecessors of the Soviet period, personnel inspectors, who usually worked with personnel records management and monitored compliance with the Labor Code. The HR manager does pretty much the same thing, but unlike HR, this is just a small part of his job.

Step 1
Responsibilities of the HR manager are to monitor the situation on the labor market, inform the management about the situation in the market with personnel and the level of average wages.
Step 2
He is also engaged in the search and selection of qualified specialists, and, in addition, planning the needs for human resources for the near future, monitors the personnel reserve. An HR manager, as a rule, creates a system for motivating employees, but unlike management, he is responsible for its non-material side.
Step 3
Moreover, the HR manager is the main creator and custodian of corporate culture. It is he who, in fact, forms the labor collective: group and personal relationships, the unity of methods and skills in achieving the set goals, organizes the adaptation of newly hired employees, works with those who leave, is engaged in certification of workers, etc.
Step 4
One of the most important responsibilities of an HR manager is training personnel, organizing trainings, continuing education courses, and training seminars. As well as advising the management of all bodies on all issues related to the field of human resource management, preparation of relevant reports.
Step 5
However, not every organization needs a HR manager. In small firms, the secretary is often involved in personnel records management, and the rest of the manager's responsibilities are distributed among other specialists. There is an unspoken standard: one manager for 80-100 employees. Large companies can employ up to 10-15 HR managers, and each of them is responsible for his own specific area of work: one for the employment of personnel, the other for its retraining, etc.
Step 6
The HR manager is obliged to know what necessary personal and professional qualities an applicant for this or that position should have. Those. he must be able to draw up a professiogram for each job in the organization.
Step 7
He must also have professional communication skills. As you know, hiring always begins with an interview, the success of which determines the further effective work of the employee. Therefore, the ability of the manager to arrange the interlocutor for a confidential conversation, the ability to ignore the first impression and let him speak, etc. is of great importance.
Step 8
A very useful quality for a personnel manager will be knowledge of the socio-psychological foundations and their application in practice, in order to create a favorable climate in the team and assist in unlocking the potential of each employee, the manifestation of his abilities.
Step 9
In addition, the personnel manager needs knowledge of labor legislation and the rules for processing various papers for hiring, for transfer or dismissal, vacation documentation, etc.