During his work at the enterprise, the employee reveals certain personal and business qualities, the assessment of which is given in the production characteristics. If it is internal, then the purpose of the characteristic is to transfer the employee to another position, encouragement, collection, sending on a business trip, etc. External performance characteristics are requested by the employee himself when changing jobs or by government agencies, organizations (banks, courts, etc.) What is the general scheme of such a characteristic?

Step 1
Take the company letterhead with its details. Include the date and registration number of the document. To the right of the details, indicate the place of presentation of the characteristics (if known). Write the word "Feature" in the center.
Step 2
Indicate the full surname, name and patronymic of the employee, date of birth, place of work, education, marital status (single, married, married, etc.) For example, "Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovich, born in 1987, works at Sokol-Company LLC" since May 12, 2007, specializing in car mechanic. Specialized secondary education. He is married, has a son, 2 years."
Step 3
List the main functions and responsibilities of the employee in the position held.
Step 4
Assess the professional and personal qualities of the employee:
a) business qualities: indicate the employee's practical skills, the ability to organize oneself to perform work, activity in finding a more rational solution to a problem, knowledge of legal and regulatory acts, the degree of adaptability to innovations, activity in performing various types of work, assess the quality of assignments, etc. NS.;
b) the business qualities of executives include the ability to organize subordinates, control their activities, interact with the heads of other departments and organizations, resolve conflict situations in the team, assess the effectiveness of the department, etc.;
c) psychological qualities: responsibility, benevolence, dedication, sociability, responsiveness, etc.
Step 5
Indicate awards, titles, certificates of honor (if any), production success of the employee. Complaints and disciplinary actions are also included in the production profile.
Step 6
If you have not indicated the place of presentation of the characteristic, then usually they use the following sentence: "The characteristic was issued for submission at the place of demand."
Step 7
Make 2 copies of the production characteristics: one copy is given to the employee for presentation at the place of request, the second remains with the employer.
Step 8
Verify the testimonial. To do this, indicate the positions of the head of the company (division, branch, etc.) and the head of personnel management. They must sign their signatures with a transcript. Certify the signatures with the seal of the company.