Due to absence from the workplace or being late for a certain amount of time, the employee must write an explanatory note addressed to the first person of the company. This document does not have a unified form, but many enterprises create forms specifically for this organization.

It is necessary
- - employee documents;
- - a pen;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - supporting documents;
- - A4 sheet.
Step 1
On an A4 sheet in the upper left corner, write the name of the structural unit in accordance with the staffing table. In the upper right corner, you should enter the full or abbreviated name of the company in accordance with the staffing table or the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual in accordance with an identity document, if the legal form of the company is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate the surname, initials of the head of the organization, his position in the dative case.
Step 2
Under the name of the structural unit, write the name of the document in capital letters, indicate the actual date of the compilation of the explanatory note. Assign a number to this document. Write down the reason for writing this document. They can be absence from the workplace, lateness, late submission or submission of documentation and other reasons.
Step 3
In the content of the explanatory note, indicate your full surname, first name, patronymic, the name of the position you hold, the structural unit where you are registered. Then write in the fact of your absence, lateness, late submission or submission of documentation. Indicate the actual date on which the disciplinary offense occurred.
Step 4
Write down the reason why you were late, absent, did not submit the report on time, and so on. This reason must be valid, and if you have documents confirming this fact, attach them to the explanatory note and indicate their names in it. If you do not have supporting documents, indicate this.
Step 5
Write the name of your position in accordance with the staffing table, first name, patronymic, last name in accordance with the identity document. Please put your personal signature.