"We are chosen, we are chosen." When looking for a new job, analyze the labor market in your area, re-examine your professional history, be persistent and realistic.

1. Start by analyzing the labor market.
1.1. Look at job sites for jobs related to your career orientation. Read carefully the requirements, tasks, functional responsibilities, and the level of payment.
1.2. Get as much information as possible about the labor market in your direction from publications: on the Internet and on the same job sites, you can find reviews and analytics on trends in the labor market by region in many specialties.
1.3. Perhaps you will see that in order to find an interesting job, you lack some skill or knowledge (most often it can be possession of a specialized program, system, etc.), which can be obtained by completing additional training in a fairly short time.
2. Determine your level of aspiration.
2.1. Form a list of suitable positions that you think might be of interest to you. Observe the generally accepted wording in the names. Employers will be able to find you more easily by the standard titles of the required position.
2.2. Please note that the same vacancies in different organizations have different payments, do not flatter yourself to find a larger one under equal conditions. They are all different. The main difference is in the level of responsibility, in the set of responsibilities, in the presence of a friendly social policy of the company (payment for lunches, sports clubs, etc.).
2.3. Be critical of your candidacy if you are applying for a position that you have never held (you would like a higher level in the hierarchy or want to find yourself in a new profession). It is possible. But there must be reasons: carefully select all the responsibilities, skills from your existing experience, which you will use to justify your candidacy.
3. If you have reason to apply for several different positions, prepare a corresponding resume for each.
3.1. Even if the vacancies are almost the same, it is more important for a recruiter to see first what is required in the description of his vacancy, and then he will be ready to evaluate your other skills and abilities.
3.2. In each resume for a position of interest, you need from your professional experience to choose the most reflective experience for the chosen position: functional duties, performance results, skills acquired.
3.3. Leave general mentions of all others.
4. Post your resume on work sites.
4.1. The resume format will be offered to you by the site on which you decide to post information about yourself. It seems to me that the most effective sites are https://www.superjob.ru/, https://hh.ru/ - has its own access to social networks, https://www.job-mo.ru - to find a job in Moscow region.
4.2. There are resources that collect all the announced vacancies that are in the public domain. For example, 4.3. You can use the resource of social networks. It has now become a common job search opportunity.
4.4. You can contact directly the company you are interested in, even if there are no open vacancies there. Many companies can afford to choose specialists for the future, forming a database, offering flexible ways to "enter" the company.
5. You have chosen a vacancy for which you have decided to apply.
5.1. When considering a vacancy that interests you, pay attention, perhaps your existing resume will require adjustment: it is better to use the same terminology in describing your experience that is used in the job description.
5.2. Go to the company's website. Check out the news. Note if there is a career section. How many vacancies, and what profile. If there are a lot of vacancies, then this can be either bad (high staff turnover) or good (company development). Conduct analytics.
5.3. See what is being published about the company in the media, if it is blacklisted. Many companies have a presence on social media. Ask around.
5.4. Please note that if the employer has formulated strict requirements for the candidate, indicated exclamation marks, used the words "only", "must" - then it is. Humble yourself. Don't waste your recruiter's or yours' time.
5.5. If strict and prohibitive conditions are not established, you can try to offer your own condition, but under the condition of not significant discrepancies, no more than one or two, but everything else should be consistent.
6. Write a cover letter.
6.1. The cover letter should be concise and informative. Write about yourself, not about how good and attractive the company is, and how long you dreamed of working in it. On this already nobody is led.
6.2. The purpose of the cover letter: to provide very brief information that your candidacy meets the stated requirements (indicate your work experience in the industry and / or in a similar position), your work experience allows you to solve the tasks set (indicate the specific results of your previous activities (this is appropriate for many positions in marketing - market share, in sales -% increase in the customer base or sales in monetary units, when applying for a top position - an increase in the company's capitalization, etc.).
6.3. In case you have never held a position corresponding to the vacancy, write down the specific experience of the relevant job duties that you performed on an ongoing basis in another position or in other positions at various places of work (you need to list no more than two very significant places for argumentation) …
6.4. If you understand that you are not suitable for some criterion, write this in the letter and indicate why you decided to apply for this vacancy without fully meeting the requirements. Apologize if this condition is indispensable. The recruiter will decide for himself whether to open your resume or not. All decorum has been observed.
7. What you can.
7.1. The above are the standard rules. If you have reasons not to follow them, write in the cover letter a mention that you are not quite suitable for the stated requirements (for many), but you have IT (be sure to indicate what exactly), which will allow the employer to become interested in you.
7.2. Perhaps you can write some extraordinary text that will immediately attract the employer, but if it doesn’t work out, don’t invent it, follow the standard rules.
7.3. You can write a fiery letter to the company if you really like the company, but it does not currently have open vacancies. Or it is possible with any non-standard professions related to creativity and creativity. But you must indicate the specific benefits that you can bring to the company in a timely manner.
7.4. Call or write a letter asking if your resume has been received and has been reviewed.
8. What exactly should not be done.
8.1. You should not ask the employer in a cover letter (or by calling the specified phone number) for a personal meeting, at which it will be obvious to him how good you are, and promise that you will definitely cope with the job, although you do not meet the requirements of the vacancy.