According to the labor law, employees at the enterprise must work in the strictly allotted time for work. But in almost every enterprise, situations arise when the manager is forced to call his staff to work overtime to perform specific amounts of work. Such overtime work on the initiative of the employer should be paid to staff at an increased rate. In order to correctly calculate the number of overtime hours and the amount of their payment, it is necessary to adhere to the regulations specified in the relevant regulatory documentation.

It is necessary
- - order of the head of the enterprise
- - written consent of the employee
Step 1
Issue an order for your enterprise, in which it is necessary to display the order of the manager on the need for this employee to perform overtime work. The employer's initiative to carry out overtime work can also be stated orally. Then it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee to perform these overtime work. In case of refusal of the employee, the employer has no right to involve him in over-standard work.
Step 2
Determine the amount of overtime spent by the employee on the task set out in the order of the supervisor. The number of overtime hours can be determined, taking into account the way of keeping records of working hours in the enterprise. In daily work accounting, overtime is considered to be the hours that an employee has worked in excess of the working day. The length of the working day is regulated by the employment contract. With the summarized accounting of working time, the amount of excess time must be calculated only at the end of the accounting period. In this case, calculate the difference between the hours actually worked and the standard working hours for the accounting period. The norms of working hours for each year are determined by labor legislation. Usually a five-day working week is taken into account.
Step 3
Calculate an employee's overtime pay or give them extra leave. Please note that for overtime work, an employee is entitled to an increased pay for each hour worked in excess of the norm. The first two hours of overtime work must be paid at one and a half of the average wage per hour of working time. Subsequent hours are paid double. It is allowed to compensate an employee for overtime work by granting additional leave.