Work may or may not be loved. And it is often the relationship with the leader that makes you lean in one direction or another. The ability to negotiate with your superiors is an important point that can help you always achieve some of your goals, and in addition, find peace and stability in the workplace.

Step 1
Think in advance about what you want to achieve. Formulate phrases, write them down if necessary. If you express your thoughts vaguely and inaccurately, you are unlikely to achieve the result. Composure, confidence, decisiveness, calmness are the qualities that need to be awakened in oneself in order to carry out the plan. Such a line of conduct and weighty arguments will help convince the manager of the extreme necessity of what you are asking for (if there is even the slightest benefit to the employer in the proposal, then it will become a significant plus). Also, do not forget that even the most formidable boss is an ordinary person. It has its merits and demerits. So it is quite possible to agree with him. And do not be too timid. There is no need to demonstrate truth and arrogance.
Step 2
Don't rush your request to your boss without preparation. It's best to start the conversation after any good news has been announced. A nice message will set the chapter positive. And such a mood will "play into your hands". If there is no “surprise” in stock, then just start a conversation from afar (mark the good weather, ask about the boss's health or his family, hobbies, compliment him). But the retreat should not turn into empty, meaningless chatter. In doing so, try to choose the moment when the appeal is most appropriate. For example, after a lunch break or towards the end of the working day (usually people become kinder on the eve of rest or after it).
Step 3
Don't back down. Set a goal for yourself: be sure to get what you want. Come back to the topic you want over and over again. Even if you earn yourself a reputation as a very persistent (and maybe persistent) person, this is not a big deal. If you have experience in this organization, respect for the team, your merits are difficult to question, then there is a high probability that success will be achieved. At the same time, it should be noted: initially well-formed relations with the management will always be of help in many issues. But a conflict with your superiors is a rash act that sooner or later can harm you and even, possibly, force you to change your job.