In the age of information technology, recruiters use not only interviews as a way to get to know a person, but also studying the pages of the applicant on social networks. It is these pages that become your face and you need to put them in order so as not to scare away the employer.

First of all, it is worth checking whether your name and surname are written without unnecessary words. The name of the applicant is very repulsive, such as "Irishka Sweet Girl" or "Sergey Without brakes Smirnov". Also, look at the statuses on your page and delete phrases with profanity, as well as "obscene pictures".
Review your photos and delete the explicit ones (in a swimsuit, from a party with alcohol, etc.). Look at which photos you have been tagged with friends and remove the marks if necessary.
Add photos from seminars, conferences, training, official events. Photos with respectable people will play into your hands, especially if they are presenting you with diplomas and certificates. Put a neutral photo on your avatar (not official, but not frank either). Neutral photos from photo shoots will be appropriate.
Review your pages regularly and remove unnecessary comments on the wall.
Add information about education, previous jobs, professional interests to your page. This unobtrusive information can be decisive for a recruiter.
If you are looking for a job, post your resume on the pages. Ask your friends to repost the message. Nowadays, many companies are looking for their employees through social networks.