Speaking at a meeting of the Federation Council held on June 27, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with members the issues of toughening sanctions for drunk driving. This measure is forced and has matured a long time ago - the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers is steadily growing. And, worst of all, many of them are representatives of the authorities, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures designed to monitor compliance with the law.

Following a serious conversation, the parliamentarians received an assignment from the president to prepare appropriate amendments to existing laws. Alcohol and drug intoxication should become aggravating circumstances for the driver.
At a meeting of the Federation Council, objections were voiced against the abolition of the current "dry law" for motorists. It was planned to be softened in 2013. It was assumed that by the end of 2013, the State Duma should have passed amendments allowing a small amount of alcohol in the blood.
Today, legislators can take the proposals prepared by the Federation of Motorists of Russia (FAR) as a basis for such amendments. Their developers propose to return the permissible norm of alcohol in the blood, but at the same time they believe that in determining it, a special differentiated system of sanctions for exceeding should be used.
With it, the reading of the device 0.15 ppm is proposed to be considered an acceptable error, and the allowable rate is from 0.15 to 0.3 ppm. If the device shows from 0.3 to 0.5 ppm, the fine should be 20 thousand rubles, and the numbers from 0.5 to 1 ppm will be the reason for depriving the driver of his driver's license for up to six months, which can be replaced with a fine of 30 thousand rubles or administrative arrest for a month.
In the event that the dose of alcohol in the blood exceeds 1 ppm, the fine should be 50 thousand rubles, and the term of detention is 90 days. For the repeated arrest of a driver who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication, it is proposed to deprive him of his driver's license for up to 5 years. The most severe punishment is for those who refuse to undergo a medical examination for blood alcohol content. In this case, the amount of the fine will be 100 thousand rubles.