There are situations when it is necessary to get behind the wheel of a car, but there is no right to drive it. The reasons for not having a driver's license can be different and the punishment for driving without a license is also not the same. In order not to tempt fate, you should be aware of the sanctions that threaten if the car stops by the traffic police.

Despite the fact that due to the increased punishment for drunk driving and other offenses, the number of violators has decreased, the problem as a whole remains unresolved. The reason for this is the same motorists who still operate their car, but this time without a permit, driving provided with a driver's license.
What is the threat of the lack of rights for "disenfranchised"?
Regardless of the reason for the deprivation, for all motorists the punishment is the same: a fine, correctional labor for a period of 100 to 200 hours, or administrative arrest for 15 days. With regard to the monetary penalty since the beginning of 2014, changes have been introduced: now, for driving a car until the end of the revocation period, you will need to pay 30 thousand rubles.
Punishment for those who never had the right
There is a category of people who consider themselves professional drivers, but do not want to undergo training at a driving school and legally obtain a permit to drive a car. They like to risk rather large sums of money, since the fine in case of arrest of a car by traffic police officers will be from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. In addition, the traffic police have the right to send the offender's car to an impound lot. From there, only those who have a driver's license and the owner's permission, certified properly, can pick it up. Also, the car can be picked up in the presence of the owner of the transport.
Sanctions for those who have forgotten or lost their rights
In this case, the legislator turned out to be lenient and charged the forgetful drivers with the minimum amount of the fine: 500 rubles. However, for traffic police officers, the excuse of an unlucky car owner about theft and loss of rights is often not a weighty reason for granting him the right to drive a car. They can detain the car and send it to the arrest site. This decision can be made by a traffic police officer for educational purposes. For example, if the offender was caught repeatedly and did not bother to renew his driver's license or get a temporary one.
What is the threat of driving without a license to a minor?
Riding a motorcycle without a license is punishable by a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles. As a rule, it is paid off by the parents of the offender. In addition, information about him is transferred to the juvenile affairs inspectorate at his place of residence. A similar amount is paid by the owner of the car, if in his presence he transfers its control to a person under 18 years of age.