The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management in the Moscow Region introduces new sanctions for summer residents, heads of gardening partnerships and other enterprises for using a water well without special permission. Organizations providing drilling services for such wells will not do without a fine.

This year, from September 1, the "water amnesty" for the Moscow region is canceled, which since 1992 has made it possible to freely consume water resources from wells.
Individuals and legal entities who have not legalized the right to use the well before the fall will be held administratively liable. The amount of fines for summer residents will be from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, for officials - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and for organizations - from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles.
As explained in the Ministry of Ecology, the consumption of groundwater refers to subsoil use, for which there must be a special permit. According to Roshydromet, the number of water wells in the Moscow region is about 10 thousand, the owners of only half of which are licensed.
Summer residents will have to deal with the registration of permits themselves at their own expense, however, as well as the heads of garden partnerships and legal entities. In September, a license check will begin with organizations that can illegally consume water resources from dozens of wells. The licensing process includes several stages, the first of which begins with the registration of each artesian well.
Already today, dozens of cases of illegal consumption of water resources have been identified not only by state farms, but also by vodokanals supplying water to entire regions.
A certain financial difficulty will be experienced by summer residents who decide to use the services of special firms to obtain a license to use a water well, because the cost of such services is from 50 thousand rubles. and higher. In addition, the licensing process itself can take from several months to a year. Therefore, persons who have already begun the process of legalizing their well will be able to avoid fines.
Is it possible not to license your well and avoid a fine?
Can. The main thing is to meet the requirement of three important points:
- Use water resources exclusively for personal purposes, and not for business activities.
- The volume of consumed water resources should be less than 100 cubic meters. per day.
- Water must be extracted above the aquifer, which is the source of the centralized water supply.