How To Register A Gas Pipeline

How To Register A Gas Pipeline
How To Register A Gas Pipeline

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Russian legislation does not limit the right of an individual to acquire ownership of a gas industry facility, which is a gas pipeline. At the same time, there are certain subtleties, without taking into account which one may encounter difficulties in registering the ownership of the gas pipeline.

How to register a gas pipeline
How to register a gas pipeline


Step 1

The ownership of the gas pipeline is possible only if it is located on the territory that belongs to you. Before proceeding with the registration of ownership of the gas pipeline, take care of acquiring ownership or leasing the plot of land through which the pipeline runs.

Determine the type of ownership of the object. Depending on whether the gas pipeline will be classified as movable or immovable property, the procedure for registering it into ownership will also depend. Some of the registration authorities classify the gas pipeline as immovable property and register it in the usual manner, some as movable and refuse registration.

Step 2

If the gas pipeline is real estate, go through the mandatory registration and put it on the balance sheet. In this case, the procedure will look like the procedure for registering an apartment: get a technical passport, a plan, if necessary - a cadastral passport, a certificate of ownership.

Please note that it is not at all profitable for you, as the owner, if the gas pipeline is considered movable property. The procedure for such registration is not regulated in detail, which means that there is a risk that "well-wishers" will rush to challenge your property rights.

Step 3

For registration, in any case, you need to contact the representative office of the justice institution at the place of stay with an application and a package of documents, which includes an identity card, documents for land ownership, permits for the construction and operation of the facility, technical passport, cadastral passport, acceptance certificate finished object.

Step 4

The relevant authority conducts an examination of the documents provided by you, based on the results of which a decision is made. If a positive decision is made, the ownership is registered. Refusal can be made due to inconsistency or lack of documentation, in this case, the application is resubmitted with an updated package of documents.

The second reason for refusal to register is the recognition of the gas pipeline as movable property. In this case, the decision must be appealed in court. Note that any decision will suit you. If the court satisfies your demand, then you will be issued a certificate of registration, if the court agrees with the registration authority, then by default you will be the owner of the gas pipeline, according to the principle of ownership of movable property.
