Non-lethal weapons are aimed at neutralizing the enemy. It must not cause serious injury or death or damage to the health and physical condition of the people against whom it is used. Representatives of non-lethal weapons are traumatic and gas pistols.

Traumatic pistol - created for the self-defense of civilians from robberies, rubber bullets are used in the form of ammunition, and the shot power is much less than that of a combat pistol. The gas pistol is a representative of non-lethal self-defense weapons, from which firing is carried out with gas and blank cartridges.
It is necessary to store a gas or traumatic pistol in a safe or a metal lockable cabinet. The keys to the safe should only be available to the owner of the weapon. You can carry a pistol in a holster or a bag of a holster for concealed carrying of a pistol; it is not allowed to carry it in a pocket, bag or transport it in the glove compartment of a car. Under no circumstances should you transfer a pistol to strangers or carry a weapon with you while intoxicated.
Due to various circumstances, each person who owns a gas or traumatic pistol may face the problem of losing it. Of the large arsenal of weapons, it is the pistol that is the easiest to lose due to its small size. And if this happens, you urgently need to contact the police or the department of licensing and permitting work with an application. In the statement, describe in detail the fact and conditions under which the pistol was lost. It is better to write in two copies, one of which should be left with a note from the body that the document was accepted for consideration.
Penalties for the loss of a gas or traumatic pistol
The perpetrators who have committed the loss or theft of civilian weapons are liable in accordance with applicable law. This could be a fine or cancellation of a weapon permit. In cases where the owner of a traumatic or gas pistol admitted the fact of theft or loss of a weapon while hunting, fishing, or while being stored in a car, it can serve as an instrument of crime. If the new owner of the pistol commits an atrocity with him, then criminal rather than administrative liability may be applied to the owner.
If a gas pistol is lost, Russian legislation does not provide for a fine, but if the fact of its careless storage is established, then according to Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Violation of the rules of production, sale, collecting, exhibiting, recording, storing, carrying or destroying weapons and ammunition for it" provides for a fine. The amount of the fine is from five hundred to two thousand rubles. In addition to a fine, deprivation of the rights to acquire and store or store and carry weapons may be applied. The term of deprivation is from six months to one year.