Wages are paid without fail to each employee of the company who works under an employment contract. However, some employers do not pay salaries on time, which can be due to various reasons.

Features of payroll
The procedures for calculating and paying wages are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The terms of settlement with the employee are also mandatory specified in the employment contract with the employer. In particular, the employee must be aware of the time frame and in what amount he will receive his salary. In accordance with the legislation, payments must be made at least twice a month. Thus, it often turns out that there is no delay in wages, and the employee himself did not familiarize himself with the timing of payments and, for example, turned to the management with a complaint earlier than the billing period.
The terms of the employment contract usually indicate the reasons why a delay in wages may be made, if this happens often at the enterprise. However, the employee must receive it monthly.
The main reasons for salary delays
During the production activities of an enterprise, various incidents often occur: heavy and expensive litigation, lack of new orders and contracts, falling demand in the market for goods and services, etc. In these cases, the employee has the right to write a complaint to the management, but it is still recommended to get into the position of the work collective and wait until the end of the "difficult" period, or even help to overcome it.
Quite often, the cause of delayed wages is problems within a banking institution that transfers a monthly amount to employees of an enterprise under an agreement: revocation of a license, bankruptcy, etc.
Often, salary delays occur due to the personal fault of the manager, who, for example, makes payments from his own "pocket" and at any opportunity strives to use the available money that was intended for employees, depriving them of them and postponing the payment period to a later date. This is completely contrary to the law.
If the company refuses to pay employees for more than 14 days, they have the right to write a statement to the manager of a voluntary refusal to perform their duties until they receive the due payment. This suspension of work is not considered absenteeism or extraordinary leave and is subsequently also paid in accordance with the standard established at the enterprise. In this case, employees can send a complaint against the employer to the labor protection service or a trade union organization.