The days of “gray” wages in an envelope and work without a contract, which is paid piece-rate, are a thing of the past. But the problems of late payment of wages remain relevant to this day. Employers, taking advantage of the incompetence of their employees regarding their labor rights, delay wages for more than two months, or even refuse to issue them altogether. However, the legislation of the Russian Federation protects the rights of the employee and makes it possible for him to sue his employers in full.

Ineffective actions of the employee in case of non-payment of wages
There are ineffective methods of employee behavior that they resort to if the bosses do not pay them wages on time. For example, a visit to the labor inspectorate, where offended employees are usually advised to contact, will, of course, make life difficult for your employer. But the employees of such an inspection act rather slowly, ineffectively. In addition, they do not have the powers that the courts have.
Another dubious method of pressure on management is holding rallies, attracting media personnel and other open events. There will be a lot of noise from such a method, but you will achieve little sense thereby.
You should not quit and defiantly "slam the door" of a company that has not paid you money. You will not return your salary in this way, and the employer will only benefit from such behavior of his employee. It would be much more correct and efficient to do the following.
How to deal with delayed wages
Two weeks after non-payment of your wages on time, you have the right to suspend your employment with the employer. You can do this by writing a written notice to management about why you do not go to work the next day. The notification is submitted in two copies, it is signed by you and the employer or acting.
If the manager refuses to sign the document, send it to the address of your company by registered mail via mail with notification. For approximately two weeks after signing the notice, you can wait at home for your employer's reaction. If it does not follow, instruct a lawyer or draw up a claim to the courts on your own to recover wages from the company where you work. The statement of claim is filed not against this employer, but against the organization in which you worked.
The claims should include not only the salary not issued to you, but also compensation for legal services, late payment, moral costs, if any. Such statements of claim are not subject to state duty.
Useful Tips
It is good if, before going to court, you enlist the support of your colleagues, who may witness the illegal actions of your employer. While at the workplace, collect evidence of this situation, videos that record your arrival at the workplace, audio recordings of an explanation with the boss, etc.