The activities of many enterprises are associated with the conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods, the purchase of raw materials and components. Each company concludes contracts with employees. To make the documentation easier to use, the practice of maintaining a wide variety of accounting journals is widespread. In such a journal, it is convenient to record, for example, the chronology of the movement of individual documents and the details of contracts.

- - a journal of accounting of contracts;
- - contracts.
Step 1
Develop a form for keeping a record of contracts. It should reflect the specifics of the enterprise and be easy to use. At a large enterprise, you can approve such a form of the journal by a special order, supplementing it with recommendations for filling out the documentation.
Step 2
Design the title page of the magazine. Enter the name of the document here. Reflect the name of the company and all the required details. Enter the start date for logging. In a large company, it is advisable to keep a separate contract log for each structural unit. Number the pages of the magazine, staple it if necessary and affix the seal of the organization.
Step 3
Divide the working pages of the journal into several columns, the number of which will be determined by your needs and the specifics of the contracts. Provide columns for the serial number of the document, the date of the contract and its expiration. A separate column will contain a brief indication of the subject of the contract. Include in the journal also the persons responsible for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations.
Step 4
If you think that the electronic form of the journal will be more convenient, develop your own software product for recording contracts or order this work from a specialized organization. In some cases, you can use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program for this purpose.
Step 5
Designate an official who will be responsible for keeping the journal. Typically, this person is an employee of the personnel department of the enterprise or an employee of the legal department.
Step 6
Make it a rule to keep a logbook of contracts systematically, reflecting the documentation in it in a continuous manner, and not on a case by case basis. This will allow the management of the enterprise to have a complete picture of the processes taking place in the company and will provide an opportunity to quickly navigate in the dense flow of documentation.