The executive branch is an independent and independent branch of government along with the judicial and legislative branches. She is in charge of the practical implementation of laws that have been passed by the legislature.

Step 1
The key function of the executive branch is the management of public affairs based on laws. In democratic societies, the executive branch is essentially an administrative branch. Its features include organizational and universal character. The executive branch has a substantive character, since it relies on specific territories and resources. Another feature of her is that she can use coercive measures.
Step 2
The difference between the executive branch and other branches is that it has a hierarchical structure. It has a secondary character in relation to the legislative branch, which determines the key directions of its activities and the powers of the bodies. Acts issued by the executive branch are subordinate in nature.
Step 3
The objectives of the executive branch are to ensure the security of society and the state, to create conditions for the full realization by citizens of their rights and freedoms, and to establish effective social or economic development. The executive branch sets goals and determines the current policy.
Step 4
Executive power in the Russian Federation is exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation, represented by its chairman, as well as deputy ministers. The government ensures the implementation of foreign and domestic policies, regulates the socio-economic sphere, ensures the unity of the executive branch, etc. The powers of the Russian government are very broad and cover all the most important aspects of the state - international, social, budgetary and financial policy, and is also responsible for state security. It takes a direct part in legislative activity, forms the state apparatus and manages its activities. All functions of the government are spelled out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Step 5
The structure of the executive branch includes federal ministries, federal services and agencies. Ministries are federal executive bodies that are responsible for formulating state policy in a particular area. For example, in the field of economics, transport, culture, labor, etc.
Step 6
The system of federal executive bodies also includes federal services. Their key tasks are control and supervision in a specific area, as well as the provision of services in a specific industry. Federal services can be subordinate to ministries, or directly controlled by the government or the president. These include FTS (tax), FSSP (bailiffs), FMS (migration), FCS (customs), etc.
Step 7
Federal agencies carry out functions in the established area for the provision of public services, and also manage state property. Among them are Rosturizm, Rosnedra, Rosaviatsia, Rosimushchestvo, Roskosmos, etc.