Sometimes there are situations when an employee is forced to take administrative leave, that is, leave without pay. Typically, the manager must decide whether or not to let the employee go. The leave is granted on the basis of valid reasons, it can be extended and included in the work record (but only if the number of days of rest does not exceed 14 days).

Step 1
The first thing you need to do is form an objective reason. Options such as "tired", "I want to go …" are not suitable. In the event that you can get documents confirming the need to take a vacation, this will only be a plus. For example, you have a baby. Provide the supervisor with a certificate from the maternity hospital.
Step 2
Next, write an application for the provision of unpaid leave addressed to the head of the organization. Its approximate content may be as follows: "In accordance with the Labor Code (Article 128), I ask you to grant me unpaid leave for a period (indicate which) for family reasons." At the end, indicate the title, sign and date of writing.
Step 3
In the event that you attach copies of documents to the application, indicate this in the application. Write “Attachments” and list the names of the documents and their date.
Step 4
Next, pass on the application to the head of the organization or a personnel worker. You will receive a response within a certain period of time. In the event that it is affirmative, the manager will draw up an order granting unpaid leave. It indicates the start date and end date of the rest, as well as the employee's statement.
Step 5
The manager does not have the right to send an employee on leave without pay, even if the financial condition of the enterprise is deplorable. In this case, the manager can remove the employee from work, but he is obliged to pay him a penalty for idle time.