Administrative leave or vacation at own expense is a period during which an employee may not go out to work, using the time at his own discretion. Such leave is not paid.

Step 1
If you decide to take administrative leave, then take into account that the duration of the leave at your own expense does not have strict boundaries and must be agreed between the employee and the employer. The employer must provide you with administrative leave if you have written an application. All social guarantees will be kept for you.
Step 2
Note that working old-age / old-age pensioners, upon application, are given up to 14 days off per year. Parents and wives of military personnel who died or died after being wounded, concussed or injured during military service are also entitled to unpaid leave for up to 14 days annually. The employer is obliged to provide disabled workers with up to 60 days a year.
Step 3
In addition, employees who are admitted to the entrance exams at universities can expect to study with work, and those with state accreditation universities in full-time education have the right to receive 15 unpaid days for passing the intermediate certification, 4 months - in order to prepare and defend the diploma and 11 month - for the preparation and passing of the final state exams.
Step 4
In addition, members of election commissions have the right to apply for unpaid leave for the duration of their duties as decided by the election commission. Absolutely all employees in cases of marriage registration, death of close relatives or the birth of children have the right to take leave at their own expense for up to 5 days.
Step 5
The application is written in the following pattern. The statement header is located at the top right.
General Director of LLC "Bird Dol"
Mr. Tereshkin M. V.
employee of the supply department Petrenko I. G.
Please provide me with a vacation at my own expense from DD-MM-YY to DD-MM-YY inclusive. In my absence, N. L. Isaev will perform my duties.
Substitute Employee Signature
Chief's signature
Step 6
Please note that instead of the phrase "vacation at your own expense", you can write "administrative leave" or "unscheduled leave without material support." It is not necessary to indicate the person who will perform your duties.