Maternity leave (or maternity leave) is a leave granted to working citizens for a specified period on the basis of their application and a certificate of incapacity for work. It is divided into prenatal and postnatal leave and is calculated in total.

Step 1
After receiving a sick leave, which is issued by an obstetrician in an antenatal clinic or a maternity hospital, or in another medical institution, you need to write an application for maternity leave. It is drawn up in the personnel department in the name of the head of the company from you, indicating the appropriate position. Start the application itself with the words: "Please grant me maternity leave from such and such to such a date."
The start date of the leave is the start date of drawing up the certificate of incapacity for work. It corresponds to a period of 30 weeks for a normal pregnancy and 28 weeks for a multiple pregnancy.
The term of the end of the leave also depends on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and is calculated as 140 and 184 days from the beginning of the leave for regular and multiple pregnancies, respectively, and 156 days if childbirth was complicated.
Step 2
Further, pay me an allowance, as if registered in a medical institution at an early date,”if this is really the case.
Step 3
Just below the word: “Note: I attach the following documents to the application
- certificate of incapacity for work (prescribe the series, number);
- a certificate from the antenatal clinic (write the date of issue and its number)."
Step 4
In conclusion, put the number of the application and your signature.