At a gestation period of 30 weeks (or 28 weeks if the pregnancy is multiple), a woman has the right to go on maternity leave. And here the expectant mother has many questions, and the main ones are "Do I need to write an application for maternity leave?" and "Is there an established template that you can just fill out?"

Like a regular vacation, it is granted only after the appropriate registration in the HR department. To do this, the pregnant woman must provide a sheet of temporary disability (issued by a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic) and write a statement - it will be the main reason for going on maternity leave. After that, the employer issues an order for granting leave to a woman, where it indicates its date.
The law does not establish a uniform template for the application. It can be drawn up in any form (by hand or in printed form) and the employer will be obliged to accept it. However, in order for the expectant mother to be sure of the correctness of the application, the document must contain some mandatory information.
What to write in the application?
- Information about the employing organization. In the application header (in the upper right corner), you must indicate the full name and position of the head (chief), as well as the name and position of the applicant - i.e. the most pregnant.
- The text of the document should state the request for maternity leave (dates are indicated according to the sick leave) and the calculation of the corresponding allowance. If a woman is registered with a gynecologist at an early stage, then she also has the right to ask for the payment of a lump sum - it is also worth writing about it.
- Further, the basis for the leave is indicated - a certificate of incapacity for work (its series, number and date).
- You need to register the details of a bank account, or indicate another convenient way to receive benefits.
- At the bottom of the document is the name of the applicant, his signature and date.

The pregnant woman must attach (original) to the application in order to receive a special payment (if the woman was registered in the early stages), as well as (she is taken at the previous place of work if the woman changed the organization within 2 years before the start of the decree).
What if there is no way to go to the office?
The application can be sent to the employer by registered mail. Or through a representative by proxy - this can be either a relative of the pregnant woman or an outsider, for example, a lawyer.