Donation is a common name for a document that has the official name of a donation contract. It must contain the personal and passport details of the donor and the person being gifted and a full description of the donated item (apartment, car or other registered property). It is not necessary to certify the document with a notary, a simple written form, sealed by the signatures of the parties, is sufficient.

- - passports, yours and your grandchild's (or his birth certificate, if he is a minor);
- - computer;
- - Printer;
- - paper;
- - fountain pen;
- - documents of title to the donated object (certificate of ownership, etc., for example, technical passport).
Step 1
In the center of the topmost line, indicate the name of the document - "Donation Agreement". In the line below, indicate in the left corner the place of the conclusion of the contract (at the place of registration of the object that is donated, for example, Moscow, if the apartment is located in the capital or a car is registered there), and in the right corner the date of the conclusion of the contract. To move the date to the right corner, use a tabulator, write the name of the month in words, the day and year in numbers, and enclose the day in quotation marks.
Step 2
Enter your last name, first name and patronymic, then write "acting on the basis of".
Step 3
Indicate in the genitive case the name of the document confirming your ownership of the property that is the subject of donation, for example, a certificate of ownership, its number, series, date of issue and the issuing authority.
Step 4
Then use the wording "hereinafter referred to as the Giver".
Step 5
Then include in the text the union "and", and after it the surname, name and patronymic of the grandson. If the grandson is a minor, then add "in person", surname, name and patronymic of his legal representative, then "acting on the basis" and the output data of the document: name, series and number, date of issue, issuing authority. Most often this is a birth certificate; if the legal representative of your minor grandson is a guardian, which you can also be - data of the document entrusting him with the appropriate powers (decision of the guardianship authority or court).
Step 6
Complete the sentence with the words "hereinafter referred to as the Gifted, collectively referred to as the Parties".
Step 7
Title the next section "Subject of the contract", indicate in it a description of the action: "The donor donates to the Gifted".
Step 8
Write what exactly you donate and a full description of the object in accordance with the documents of title to it. For example, for an apartment, this is the exact address, floor, entrance, number of rooms, total and living area. For a car - make, model, year of manufacture, VIN, engine displacement and other essential information.
Step 9
Add a section for party details. In the donation agreement, it is enough to indicate the surname, name and patronymic of each party, passport data (number, series, by whom and when it was issued, unit code) or data on the birth certificate of a minor (number, series, date of issue, issuing authority) and registration addresses - yours and grandson.
Step 10
Include a section for signatures of the parties. Use the wording "For and on behalf of the Giver" and "For and on behalf of the Gifted" in it.
Step 11
Sign the contract on your part and ask your grandson or his legal representative to do so.