The decision to become foster parents is a responsible step that changes the whole future life. However, desire alone is not enough to become an adoptive parent. It is necessary to go through a difficult path of testing, and this, as it turns out in practice, not everyone can do.

Parents-to-be dream of taking under their wing a pretty, little boy or girl who should be beautiful, smart and, of course, healthy. In reality, the percentage of orphans without any disabilities is very small. Therefore, adoptive parents should pre-set themselves up to the fact that in any case they will face certain difficulties, one of which is the number of documents required for adoption.
The child is most often chosen by the photographs that are in the questionnaires with the guardianship authorities. Well, what can you tell from a photograph? Character or any characteristics of the child? So expectant mothers and fathers have to think out and imagine everything themselves.
But the whole exhausting procedure for collecting documents, which gives the right to become an adoptive parent, is behind. Now you can finally meet and get to know the child. But with only one, which was chosen from the photo. They won't even show other children in the orphanage. And if the expectations were not met and the child for some reason does not fit, you will have to start all over again, including the procedure for collecting documents. No one will be allowed to enter the orphanage without a direction of guardianship, this is a closed institution, and all information about the children in custody is confidential.
Even if someone decides to go through the entire adoption procedure again, after failing a second time, they in most cases give up the dream of becoming foster parents.
And so it turns out, there are potential parents and there are children who could have parents, but alas. But happiness, it would seem, is very close, just stretch out your hand, but that was not the case.