With the entry into force of the new Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, many questions have arisen regarding the registration of residential and non-residential buildings in the ownership. We will figure out whether you need a permit for the construction of a bathhouse, garage, barn on a land plot for individual construction or personal subsidiary plots.

Step 1
To design a bath, garage, shed, you need to contact a cadastral engineer. The cadastral engineer must travel to the area to determine the boundaries of your building. Further, a technical plan of the building is prepared, indicating the total area, building area, materials used in construction and other information, in accordance with the requirements of the Office of the Federal Service for Cadastre and Cartography.
Step 2
The technical plan prepared by the cadastral engineer and recorded on a computer disk must be submitted to the territorial department of the MFC with an application for registration of ownership of the building. Cadastral registration and registration of ownership of a building are carried out simultaneously. When submitting an application, an employee of the territorial department of the MFC issues a receipt stating that the documents have been received. The receipt indicates the date when the documents are ready.
Step 3
After the specified date, you must receive a cadastral extract for the building. The cadastral extract contains all information about the owner, the parameters of the building, the cadastral number of the building and the land plot on which the building is located. This extract is a replacement for the previously issued title deeds. From this moment on, information about your building has been entered into the unified state register of real estate.