A garage in the city has become both a luxury and a necessity. This is due to the increasing number of their own cars that require a parking space. Therefore, you should take care in advance of obtaining ownership of the garage, so that one day it will not be demolished. In addition, this will be the first step towards privatizing the land under it. Thus, the owner will have a full guarantee for his property in the future.

Step 1
Get a certificate from the chairman of the garage cooperative that you really are a member of it and paid the corresponding share. Collect signatures from all your neighbors. The form must have two seals: the first one certifies the signatures, the second one is standard, at the bottom of the certificate. It should be remembered that blots are not allowed in any certificate. Therefore, collect the necessary documents for registration of ownership of the garage with special care.
Step 2
Do not immediately enter the size of the garage area in the document, it is better to do this after receiving the technical plan from the BTI, so this value will be indicated exactly in it. In the event of discrepancies in the values in these two documents, this is considered a significant error that leads to the rejection of documents.
Step 3
Contact the chairperson for a certificate of land allocation for your garage cooperative. Make a copy of it. Photocopy the technical passport for the garage, which you should have.
Step 4
Submit to the BTI an application for drawing up a technical plan for the garage. Pay for this service and provide a receipt. You will be assigned a deadline when the specialist will take measurements and, after which, you will receive the corresponding document.
Step 5
Collect the entire package of documents for registration of ownership of the garage, adding to it a photocopy of your own civil passport. After that, go to Companies House. In it, contact a consultant who will check the accuracy of the collected documents. This service is paid, but it will save you time and nerves. Use it to write an application, pay the state fee and hand over the collected documents. Usually, the period for obtaining a certificate of state registration of ownership of a garage is one month. The application will be considered and a decision will be made on this issue.