How To Start Typing

How To Start Typing
How To Start Typing

Table of contents:


If the author does not write "on the table", then most likely he wants to start publishing. At his desk, he can count on his talent, but promoting stories, novellas, and novels requires some knowledge of publishing.

How to start typing
How to start typing


Step 1

Decide on the genre that is most comfortable for you. Perhaps you want to be a science fiction writer or an author of detective stories, because these genres are in demand, but your soul lies in realism. Think about which is better: write good realistic books and have a constant circle of admirers (albeit not as large as Daria Dontsova's or Nick Perumov's) or write bad detective stories and not publish at all?

Step 2

Start with stories. Of course, the reading public prefers novels. But, first of all, through stories you will hone your skills. Secondly, the publishing house's novels by young authors are bought less willingly than the works of already well-known writers, therefore, a text of good quality will be easier to publish in a magazine.

Step 3

Study magazines specializing in "your" genre. Better to pick one. Read all the stories published in this edition over the past few years. Thanks to this, you will know if your works correspond to the concept of this magazine. If yes, send it, if not - write a story specifically for this publication or look for another.

Step 4

Keep in touch with the editors. Maybe for some objective (or subjective) reason, your letter with the story was not answered. Call, ask questions and, most importantly, listen carefully to the answers. The editor can say a few words that will help you understand why your story does not fit. As you work on your next piece, you can take this information into account and write a more appropriate story.

Step 5

Remember that many high-paying authors today were rejected all the time early in their careers. Therefore, if your story was rejected, write the following. If your work was returned with a proposal to correct something, do not argue and do not be offended. Edit until the story satisfies the editor.
