If you want to take part in the fate of a friend and allow him to live in your apartment for free, then civil law is at your service. It will allow you to enter into a so-called gratuitous lease (although this wording is incorrect, since the price is an essential condition of the lease). It would be legally correct to call such an agreement a contract for the free use of residential premises.

- - several sheets of A4 paper;
- - a pen or a computer with a printer.
Step 1
At the top of the sheet, write the name of the contract, its number (if necessary) and the date of conclusion. Next, designate the participants (parties) to the agreement. They will be the lender (in the lease agreement, he would be called the lessor) and the borrower (in the lease agreement, this is the lessee). Record the personal data of the parties in the contract - name, year of birth, passport data, place of residence.
Step 2
Next, describe in detail the premises that you lease or rent free of charge. It should indicate: the location of the premises, its technical characteristics, the total area and other conditions that you consider essential. Be sure to note on what basis the premises belongs to the lender (ownership, lease, operational management or economic management).
Step 3
Record the rights and responsibilities of the parties. The main obligations of the lender are to provide the borrower with access to the residential premises, to ensure the serviceability of the property, to provide consulting services on the use of the premises. The responsibilities of the tenant include the following: use the premises for their intended purpose, maintain them in a technically sound condition, carry out current repairs of the premises at their own expense, bear the cost of paying for utilities, and return the premises to the lender upon the expiration of the contract. You can fix other rights and obligations of the parties in the agreement at your discretion.
Step 4
Next, write about the responsibility of the parties in case of failure to comply with the terms of the contract. In accordance with the principles of civil law, the parties are liable for their illegal actions or for violation of the terms of the contract only if there is intent.
Step 5
Fix the terms of termination of the contract - indicate which of the parties, when and how has the right to refuse to perform the contract Also write in what order disputes related to the execution of the contract will be resolved (negotiations, court order).
Step 6
At the end of the agreement, indicate the details of the lender and the borrower (full name, passport data) and sign the parties.