One organization has the right to purchase a share of another organization, represented in the form of shares, provided that it is the founder of the company, the share of which is being redeemed, or upon registration of the acquisition of a share from the holder of shares of the company. In any acquisition circumstance, the purchase of an interest must be duly reflected in the entity's financial records.

Step 1
Complete the necessary documents. A transaction for the purchase of a share of an operating company or organization is a transaction of a financial nature, therefore, it must be executed in writing, that is, in the form of a purchase and sale agreement with the obligatory indication of such fundamentally important points as the details of the parties to the agreement, a description of the subject of the agreement, an indication of the purchase price and etc. Also, record the fact of transferring the share to the new owner, for example, by means of an act of acceptance and transfer of material assets.
Step 2
Notify the tax authority. After the purchase of a share, the organization has 30 days to draw up a notification for the tax service in the form No. С-09-2. For whatever purpose the share is redeemed, the notification must be sent in a timely manner, otherwise the organization may be fined.
Step 3
Prepare reporting. In accounting, the acquired share, expressed in the form of shares, is a financial investment; accordingly, such an acquisition must be taken into account on the account designated for these investments. It is necessary to keep records of a share based on its primary value, since further circulation of shares on the securities market is not essential for reflecting the purchase of a share in the financial statements.
Step 4
Remember that the initial cost of a share includes the price at which the shares were purchased, the cost of the necessary accompanying services for the purchase of shares, and other expenses associated with the acquisition, including the amount of VAT.
Step 5
To reflect the purchase of a share in the analytical accounting, combine shares by series, or reflect them individually, indicating the identification data of each security, the cost of their acquisition and par value, the number of acquired shares, the date of the transaction, etc.