One of the most difficult real estate transactions is the sale of a stake in an apartment. It is not uncommon for owners to have a tense relationship. In addition, in most cases the shares are not allocated in kind, as a result of which it is difficult to determine where the square meters of one owner end and the possession of the second begins. However, if you approach the matter competently, all issues can be settled and a deal made.

Step 1
When deciding to sell your share in real estate, first of all, clarify whether you have a joint property or a share. In the case of joint ownership, the shares of the owners are not defined. A similar situation occurs when an apartment is bought by married couples or when it comes to real estate acquired in the early 90s, when the shares were not necessarily determined. With shared ownership, the exact footage of each owner is established.
Step 2
Determine the shares and estimate your square meters. Take into account the number of rooms in the apartment, its area, condition, type of building, its location and other factors affecting the price.
Step 3
Offer to buy out your share to the rest of the owners. According to the law, the participants in shared ownership have the preemptive right to purchase the sold share at the price that you want to receive for it. Notify your neighbors in writing that you intend to sell your share to an outsider and state the price and other terms on which you are selling it. If they refuse to buy or don't get your part within a month, look for other buyers.
Step 4
If the owners, for one reason or another, evade receiving written notice of the sale of your share in the apartment, contact a notary. The fact is that without the official refusal of neighbors to buy your share, the regional departments of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography will not accept your documents for selling it to another person and will not register the deal. In addition, within three months, the rest of the owners will be able to challenge the transaction in court, citing the fact that they were not notified of your decision to sell their part. The likelihood that they will win the process is very high. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from possible troubles, use the services of a notary. He will send a registered letter with notification to the other owners of the property. They will have to get it and sign it.
Step 5
When all questions are settled, contact a real estate agency or use the services of a private realtor.