In some enterprises of the continuous production cycle or those whose activities are related to the provision of round-the-clock services, there is a need for personnel to work in shifts. This is allowed and regulated by Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the legislation, shift work of personnel can only be carried out in accordance with the shift schedule agreed with the representative body of employees.

Step 1
If you have a need to change the operating mode of the enterprise and transfer it to shift work, then everything must be formalized legally competently, since this is associated with a change in working conditions. In this case, changes are made to the employment contract, this is done with the agreement of the parties. This means that it is necessary to agree on changes with the committee of trade unions or any other representative body of employees.
Step 2
According to Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of daily work shifts can be set 2, 3 or 4. Accordingly, their duration can be 12, 8 or 6 hours. Shifts lasting 24 hours contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the specifics of the technological processes at your enterprise, determine which shift duration will be optimal for you. Immediately set the accounting period, at the end of which the balance of working hours and the calculation of working hours will be ensured - week, month, quarter, year.
Step 3
In the schedule, be sure to provide for the order of actions of employees at the end and beginning of the shift, the procedure for its transfer and the actions of the employee in case of absence or delay of his shift.
Step 4
When drawing up a schedule, it is necessary to take into account several mandatory parameters, the effect of which is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the duration of the weekly continuous rest of the employee must be at least 42 hours, and the duration of rest between two consecutive work shifts must be at least twice the duration of the shift.
Step 5
Please note that except for the cases stipulated in Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the night shift is set 1 hour less. On pre-holiday days, this rule also applies, but if the production technology does not allow for such a reduction, the employee is entitled to additional rest time or an additional payment for overtime work.
Step 6
Schedule the duration of the break and lunch break for each shift. Determine, taking into account its number of actual working hours per employee per month. Calculate the working time in accordance with the production calendar for the current year. If there is a fact of overtime, then all overtime hours must be recorded at the end of the accounting period and paid as overtime.
Step 7
Sign the schedule drawn up by the head of the enterprise, chief accountant, head of the personnel department and be sure to coordinate it with the representative body of employees.