One of the most powerful levers of management in any enterprise is planning. Development of plans is a responsible process that uses methods of statistical and economic analysis, probability theory, mathematical forecasting, etc. It is no coincidence that the writing of a development plan for a department or an enterprise is entrusted to managers or top managers, people who know how to see the future, set tasks and determine strategic directions.

Step 1
The development plan of the department must be written taking into account the overall development plan of the company. Study and analyze it, as well as analyze the work of your department, make a clear idea of the available labor and material resources, equipment and computers.
Step 2
Set a timeline for your plan. If this is a development plan, then its term will obviously exceed a year. The optimal period will be 3 years, maximum - 5 years. Formulate the tasks assigned to your department, specify the deadlines for each task. Think over the ways and solutions that are needed to implement the tasks assigned to the department and consider whether you have enough available labor and material resources to complete the tasks in a timely manner.
Step 3
If the staff of the department does not allow meeting the deadlines, then this problem cannot always be solved by recruiting additional staff units. As far as development is concerned, include employee training, training, and continuing education in your plan. Improving the professionalism of department employees should become an obligatory part of the development plan.
Step 4
Think over how to draw up and implement a system of work regulations that allows you to obtain an objective assessment of the activities of the entire department and each of its employees. Learn the principles of the international quality management system, which has already been implemented in many Russian enterprises. Include certification of employees in the plan.
Step 5
In terms of development of the department, provide for the modernization of existing and installation of new equipment, computer facilities. Think about what software tools you will need to install. Perhaps it makes sense to include in the development plan the introduction of an automated accounting system or information systems, the use of which will increase the productivity and quality of the department's work.
Step 6
Schedule the execution of the plan by month or quarter. Map out the milestones and deadlines for their implementation. Appoint performers and responsible persons who will monitor the implementation of the stages of the plan and proceed with the planned.